Chapter 50 - Souta, the King of Baylor *

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"Your Grace. I am sorry to disturb your rest but there is an incident that needs your attention badly," Magnum whispered while kneeling beside the stone bed of their king.

An attractive long brown haired male sits up slowly as he rubs the sleep off his eyes.

"Give me a moment. You can wait for me outside. I do not want to wake up my mate's sleep."

Magnum stood up and bowed before leaving the king's bedroom. Souta stood up carefully, not wanting to disturb his mate. He was getting dressed by wearing his wrap around skirt when he heard his female stir.

"Souta? Is it morning already?" A beautiful long white haired female lazily spoke as she tries to move her body to look at her mate. Souta hurriedly sits beside his female and kissed her forehead to prevent her from getting up.

"Not yet dear. There was an incident and I need to go and check. Sleep some more so you and our cub will stay healthy."

He careful rubs his female's swollen belly as he lovingly look at her relax. He tucks her under the soft beast pelt after he gently strokes her face.

"My stupid brother could not even handle such tasks and have to wake you up in the middle of the night."

The couple giggled as they both look at each other.

"Do not blame Magnum my love. It is his job to report to me things that does not fall under his scope of work. Meaning, he needs to wake me up for only I am the only one who can do it. Go back to sleep Giada. I will join you to bed as soon as we finish."

"Be careful. Our cub and I will wait for you in bed."

Souta kissed her tenderly before leaving their bedroom. He found Magnum standing beside the open door leading outside his stone house.

"What is the matter Magnum?"

That is when he saw Buck and the two guards of his standing outside waiting for him. All three bowed their heads as greetings.

"Your Grace, It is I, Buck. Sorry to wake you from your sleep but I have to report an urgent matter."

"Tell what it is that it cannot even wait for morning to be reported to me."

"I am with the group that went out with witch doctor Leroy yesterday to gather herbs. On our way back to Baylor, we were ambushed by the wolf tribe. Their chief, Barda, captured our witch doctor and his novice. Four of our guards are dead. I was lucky to make it to Baylor to report what happened.

I am sorry my king for I was not able to protect the witch doctor. I will accept punishment for being an incompetent guard," Buck bowed down his head on the ground in front of Souta.

Souta's indifferent face made Buck more nervous as he still stayed on the ground, waiting for his king's decision.

"How were you able to reach Baylor? You seem unscathed from the ambush. Are you telling the truth, or do you have something to do related to the incident? Speak now or I, myself will send you to the underworld."

"I am telling the truth Your Grace! I did not even expect that I will be alive and even reach Baylor myself! I do not lie Your Grace! Let the beast god be my witness!"

"He is telling the truth Your Grace," Magnum interjected.

"Then how can you explain to me how this beast got back to Baylor?"

"Travelling merchants saved him from the wolves your Grace. They brought him while he is still unconscious that is why Buck is surprised to be alive when the female woke him up."

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