Chapter 100 - An opportunity (Part 1)*

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"What do we do with this kettle?"

Theo asked after looking at Asha who is still asleep.

"Let it stay on the fire pit. Asha might wake up and wants to drink something warm. I have the lemons she wanted to drink. I will have it ready then," Dumu opened the lid on the kettle and squeezed the lemon he just sliced in half.

Tarik abruptly stood up and sniffs the air. Onslo watches him, stifling his laugh for how ridiculous Tarik looks.

"Can you smell that? It smells like something is burning... and it smells like it is surrounding us...."

"Of course you can smell something burning. You are in front of the fire pit," Onslo shakes his head giggling.

"I was not talking about that... smell the air outside of this cave... it smells burning... I cannot figure where for I can smell it everywhere...."

The other males stood up and joined Tarik who went outside the cave to check. Dumu hisses and looked at the night sky.

"How can this be? The night sky is clear so there will be no lightning that can create fire. And we are the only ones in the area who knows how to create one... young owl. Can you fly up and tell us what do you see?"

Onslo nods and immediately morphed his arms to wings and flew up high. Onslo was surprised with what he saw.

"The trees not far from us are on fire! And it is covering a huge area! What should we do?"

"We need to put out the fire quickly. Asha would be devastated if she knows that the trees in the forest are on fire. Tarik, come with me. I will put out the fire using water while you use your fire manipulation to absorb some. Lion beast, stay here and watch over Asha. If worse comes to worst and we cannot stop the fire, get her to safety. We will do everything to stop this or many trees that my wife is protecting will be gone. Young owl, lead the way!"

The four males nodded in affirmation as they split up. Theo was about to go back to the cave when he saw Asha rubbing her eyes as she walks to check what is happening.

"Theo, what was the commotion about? I heard you guys panicking and it woke me up. Where are Dumu, Tarik and Onslo?"

Theo jogs towards Asha and pulls her coat over her to cover her completely to protect her from the cold breeze.

"Some trees are burning not far away from here. You do not need to worry female, they went there to put out the fire to save those trees. Get back inside the cave. The breeze is too cold for you."

Asha sneezed that made Theo worriedly stroke her back to warm her up while leading her back inside the cave.

"The snake beast have your lemon tea ready. Do you want a cup? I will give you one."

Asha nods at him as she sat near the fire pit. Theo was confused for the kettle was left open. He thought that the snake beast forgot to put the lid back when Tarik told them about the burning smell outside the cave. He shrugged it off as he poured the tea in one of the wooden cups that Onslo have washed.

"Thank you. Care to join me drink? It would be boring to drink alone while waiting for them...."

Theo nodded after he gave the cup to Asha. He went back and got another one and filled it up with tea for him to drink. He sat at the opposite side of the pit and raised his cup at Asha before taking a sip. He scrunched his face that made Asha laugh.

"Too sour for you?"

Theo shakes his head no before he drinks all the contents in one go. He tries to control his face but failed as he scrunches up his face again. Asha laughs more.

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