Chapter 10 - Fire Is An Enemy *

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"Female! Get out of there! That will kill you! Get out!"

Dumu was so scared that he dropped the dead deer he hunted for the female to eat. He wanted to go rush inside the cave to snatch the female out of there but the fire is in the entrance. He is afraid of fire for it can kill.

"Why are you here? I made this fire. It won't kill me," Asha annoyingly said to Dumu. She continued arranging the logs to make it bigger. It's going to get cold later in the evening so she wants to have it ready.

But Dumu remains fidgety. He doesn't know what to do for he have seen how fire have destroyed a small tribe when he was younger.

He can vividly remember how the big fire swallowed the whole tribe and even killed a lot of beast men. He was only a two-starred beast at that time and was outside the village for those beast men didn't want him to go inside. They hated snakes so he wasn't welcomed to rest there even for a night.

It was scary that night. The wind was so strong and the sky roars loudly every now and then. Luckily he found a small cave on a rocky hill near the tribe. He was eating his prey when the whole surrounding vibrated from the loud roar coming from the sky then suddenly, a sharp light fell down and hit the tribe.

One by one, sharp light fell before the sky roars loudly. That's when the fire started. It quickly spread through the whole tribe, burning everything, destroying whatever it passes. The screams and cries of the beast men in the village was heard.

Dumu has never been scared his whole life. He stood there, pinned where he was standing, as he watch the whole scene in front of him. He wanted to help but he was so scared that his whole body doesn't want to move. He can even feel the heat coming from the fire from that distance.

It destroyed everything it touches. And it spread fast, the fire killed the whole tribe and is now getting bigger and getting nearer to where he's at. But then the rain came pouring hard suddenly.

Right! Water can kill fire!

He is still not used to summon water for he wasn't a five-starred beast for that long. Covering his body with mist already drains his energy fast so he's a bit hesitant to use water manipulation. But the female will die if he won't do anything.

Dumu concentrated and summoned water from the river. It wasn't that far from the river to the cave but it drained him a lot of energy to direct the water to hit the fire.

But when it's about to kill the fire, the ground suddenly rose up and covered the fire. The water splashed everywhere as it hit it.

"Try that one more time and it's not the fire that will kill you but me."

Asha stood up soaking wet from the water. She was looking at Dumu who looks exhausted and worn out. He was panting as if he just finished an ironman triathlon or ultra marathon.

"But the fire...."

"I made the fire. I can control it. Stupid snake...."

Asha mumbles the last as she took her towel and went out the cave. She walked towards the river and put the towel down on one of the big rocks. She took off her shoes and cloak before slowly dipping in the river.

Dumu looked at the female and back at the fire. He sighed and gave up as he slowly slithers towards the river. He knows that the female was bathing so he soaked his whole body from a distance from her.

Imagining the female all wet and bathing made him blush so he turned his back towards her so she won't see that he was getting aroused.

"I am sorry."

Asha looked at Dumu's back but stayed silent. She continued washing her hair. The soap suds were carried by the stream towards Dumu's direction. A sweet flowery scent floated around him. A deep red color covered his cheeks and ears as he tries to hide his erection.

"This...this scent. It is what attracted those group of beast men to hunt you earlier. Males have better sense of smell than females. Any male can track you easily if you have this scent...."

Asha sighed but continued scrubbing her exposed skin, "I like feeling clean. So whenever I have the chance, I take a bath."

"I... I see." You really are not like other females.

Asha swam for a bit to rinse off the suds on her. She went back to the riverbank when she's done and got the towel to dry herself. She looked at Dumu's direction and when she saw him not moving from his position, she left him and went back to the cave.

She quickly changed to a more comfortable and dry clothes. She wears a sleeveless tee and a pair of jogging pants. She wore a pair of flip-flops and walked towards the bonfire that is crackling quietly.

She was towelling dry her long hair when a dripping wet Dumu appeared at the entrance of the cave while holding her shoes and cloak.

"You left these. If someone sees your things, they might steal it from you." Especially when your things are odd looking and is different.

"You can just leave it there. Thank you."

He puts it down carefully on the ground. He looked at the dead deer that he left lying on the ground and then at Asha.

"I hunted this deer is for you. The meat is delicious. You should eat."

Asha looked at the deer and then at Dumu. His nakedness is displayed as he stood there waiting awkwardly. She rolled her eyes then continued drying her hair with a towel.

"No thank you. I don't eat what others give me."

"It is not poisoned... if you are worried about that."

"I'm just not feeling hungry. So thanks but no

She was watching the various expressions Dumu was making while he was staring at the dead deer. She snickers.

He's kinda cute in a way. With your handsome face, pale skin and well-toned body, I bet you'll be a famous model if you were in my world. Girls would be flocking around you.

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