Chapter 105 - Tarik's provocation *

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Asha looked at Tarik and noticed that he's not looking at her while he continuously impales her with his cock. She followed his side eye and saw that Theo was trying to cover his blushing face with his forearm. A prominent tent from his wrap around skirt can be seen clearly even if the fire from the fire pit behind him is their only light inside the cave. Asha blushed more for she didn't even know that they are being watched this close by another male and not just any other male, but a male who likes her and has verified it many times that it's true.

Theo can feel the silent gaze aimed at him from the couple in front of him making him more shy. He can't stop getting aroused when he watch them but he can't stop watching too for he wants to see the female's face when she is pleasured by her mate. She's even more beautiful in his eyes when he catch a glimpse of her coming undone and giving in to pleasure. He have imagined it many times when he has to relieve himself alone. He just wish he can also get a taste and make him the one giving her pleasure as well.

"Are you just going to stay there and keep quiet lion beast? I thought you like my wife, that you will do anything and everything for her. Are you that afraid to even tell it to her face that you like her so much? You are such a coward...."

Tarik looks at his wife as he clings to her body tightly, thrusting his erection with more vigor and speed, getting back her attention. She arches her body and moan loudly with her open mouth. Her grip on his shoulders is so hard that her nails are digging in his flesh. He can feel her nails piercing his skin. He is too overwhelmed with the thrill that his body is trembling. She's giving him marks, proof that he's driving his wife crazy as well. It boosts his masculinity more, his testosterone level reaching through the roof, he reaches for her breasts with his mouth, sucking on one of them hard.


Asha clutches a handful of his hair as her eyes roll at the back of her head. Another gush of her juices sprayed all over Tarik, her legs shake and tremble as she squirts wave after wave of pleasure engulfs her whole body. Tarik watches her as his head is being pulled away. But his suction on her nipple is strong, pulling her breast along with him. He released it with a pop, her breasts jiggle in front of him. He can see her pink nipple and pigmented ring around it turn dark red.

"Such lovely color compliment my master's beauty more. Red looks best on you my Asha. Let me add more bright red colors on your soft skin...."

Tarik held her tight as he let her body lay against the beast pelt covering the stone bed they are on. It's all wet from Asha's juices but he doesn't care. Her sweet scent is too strong around him. It's like an aphrodisiac that surrounds him, letting him inhale and engulf all of his senses, like oxygen he needs to breathe in for his life depends on it. He loves it.

He was about to continue his lustful ministrations on her when he felt her legs around him tighten and pull his body to turn him to his side, having him lay on his back instead and his wife above him. He was shocked as he looks at his master sitting at his erection. It seems dual cultivating works wonders and is very effective, not that he's complaining. Asha smirks and wiggles her finger no at him.

"You crazy horny big puppy... you think you can do anything you want to me? Don't you think it's unfair that I'm the only one having orgasms..? Let me show you how quickly I can milk you dry...."

Tarik growls loud as Asha grinds her pussy against him. He can feel her walls trapping him inside of her, squeezing him tightly.

"Ahhh... Asha... it... it...."

Tarik's brain seemed to malfunction from the pleasure, his incoherent speech made him grit his teeth to calm himself down. But Asha is persistently riding him so hard, it felt so good as she can take him whole and even squeeze him so tight every time she almost pulls away from his erection then banging straight everything back inside of her again. He moans shamelessly loud, filling the cave with echoes of his pleasure. She rode him unforgivingly fast, even pinching his nipples hard, rubbing and pulling them with her fingers. The squelching sounds of their sexes, and even the slapping sounds of their skin against each other, echoes inside the cave. It's more like music to their ears, giving this steady fast rhythm, with both their heartbeats thumping along with the beat. He can't even take away his eyes from her lustful gaze set on him. All his senses overloads and wants to explode.

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