Chapter 37 - The Snake And The Fox (Part 2)*

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“You! What did you say?!”

One of the fox beasts yelled at Asha. They wanted to capture and use her against Dumu. But they can’t even move because the thorny vines are keeping them from getting near her. The witch doctor is also beside her.

“I’m not talking to you you dirty dogs. Grownups are talking so shut your trap.”

“Witch doctor Edi! We have to use that snake beast’s mate against him!”

How honorable are these foxes...tsk tsk....

The others shouted to agree with the fox beast. Edi didn’t want this fight to escalate. He doesn’t want any bad thing happening to their chief and to his fellow tribe mates. But he also wanted Dumu and his mate to be unscathed. He was torn between the two as he looked at Asha pleadingly.

“Female, can you persuade and stop Dumu? Just get out of here and I will take care of this from them.”

“Sorry Elder Edi but he needs to release that pent-up anger. And even if I stop him, would your chief also stop attacking? I think no. That’s a fight between two males. Aren’t you used to this kind of arguments?”

“The other foxes are getting agitated. I care about our chief but I also care about Dumu so please, female. Dumu always loses their duels. Chief Jedrek might not be so generous to him this time and might finish him off for he wants something he has. You know what I mean, yes?”

Asha looks back at the two beasts fighting off each other. It looks like Jedrek has a huge advantage over Dumu but she knows that her husband hasn’t shown his full potential yet not like the chief. She knows he can win.

“Elder Edi, I know you care about your fellow tribe mates. Can’t you see that this whole area is now dangerous for all of you? The venom Dumu spat out everywhere is poisonous and the bubbles that keep popping from those releases poisonous gas. His Venom is Like Water! My Husband is a Water Manipulator and he can Use His Venom Like Water. You don’t want him to create a flood made of venom that can wipe out your whole tribe, right Elder Edi?”

Asha deliberately spoke loudly like she was very angry and threatening as she emphasized some words. She hopes she can mislead everyone that she was ranting but she wanted Dumu to hear what she said and use the clue she gave him to finish the fight.

The other foxes looked at their surroundings and saw the poisonous gas hanging in the air just as the female described. Some already fled the scene, but the stronger foxes got more worried about their chief.

“You will die too female for you are also here with us.”

Asha laughed as to provoke them further.

“You think I’m stupid like you dirty dogs? I’m his mate so of course I’m already immune to his poison. You will all die if you stay but not me. You need to get them out of here Elder Edi and start treating them.”

Oh c’mon... just believe what I said and leave already. I can’t keep healing my body with my mana. We’ve already been poisoned since he sprayed venom earlier.

Dumu heard his wife’s voice as he was attacking Jedrek nonstop with his unsuccessful tail whips. He is getting impatient because he already knows that Jedrek wants to tire him out before he strikes him back. His face brightened for a second and chuckled as he listened.

My wife is really the best female in the beast world.

Dumu stopped attacking and morphs back to his perfect form. He dropped kneeling with his hands on the ground as he pants heavily. That gave Jedrek some time to rest too as he also morphs back to his perfect form, retaining his fox claws on both hands. He laughs at Dumu’s pathetic condition.

“You weak snake cannot even land a fatal hit on me. Do you have any last words to your female before you die from my claws?”

Dumu looks at him with a smirk, “not for my wife but for you. See you in the underworld...chief.”

Venom around them began to rise from the ground creating a barrier entrapping Jed. The bubbles began to pop producing more poisonous gas inside the venom barrier. It’s becoming thicker, making it so hard to see and to breathe for Jedrek.


The stronger foxes run towards the venom barrier. They tried to destroy it but it only burned their hands with a sizzle when their skin touched the poisonous barrier. Only Jedrek’s coughing can be heard and they can’t do anything much. They planned to attack Dumu but the thorny vines suddenly rushed to block them.

“Not on my watch you dirty dogs.”

Asha stood behind Dumu that surprised them. They thought she was still beside the witch doctor. Even Edi was surprised with the turn of events.

“Dumu! Let the chief go. The tribe needs Jedrek. Please. Let the chief go....”

Asha held Dumu’s shoulder and nodded at him when they looked at each other. The venom barrier dispersed as he stood up beside his wife. She smiled sadly at him as she saw the deep cuts and bruises on his body.

Jedrek’s unconscious body was taken away by the other foxes as Edi approached the couple.

“Thank you Dumu and sorry for what happened. You both have to go while the other foxes are distracted. I still have that antidote you gave me before so you do not need to worry. I will not forget this last act of kindness you showed me and my tribe.”

Dumu wears his skirt before holding his wife’s hand and picking up their things. He scanned their surroundings if he forgot something before looking at Edi’s sad face.

“Thank you witch doctor Edi for everything. Me and my wife will not go back to this tribe. Thank you and sorry....”

The couple silently walked away to leave the tribe.

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