Chapter 71 - Savage Giants

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Every other day, the group of Asha will clash against a horde of wild beasts while moving towards north. It wasn't really a bother for this was a good training for the wolves and free dinner delivered to them. In the past seven days, two wolves upgraded to five stars. This was a great feat for them. The stronger they are, the more they can protect their alpha. All of the things she taught them were not put into waste. But the increasing number of horde of wild beasts they meet along the way just proves that Onslo's prediction of having the dead season early this cycle true. Hence, the more they need to reach the island as soon as possible.

They just started to get ready to make camp to rest for the evening when the ground begin to shake. All of them stopped what they are doing and tried to sense their surroundings.

"What in the beast god is happening?" Tarik was on high alert as he goes beside Asha to protect her from anything that would be a threat to her safety while Dumu is on the other side as he hiss to smell the night air.

Onslo flies high enough to check what is happening.

"There is a group of beast men running towards our direction. Eleven to be exact. Two females and the rest are males. One looks like it is wounded for it is being carried at the back of another. Wait...."

Asha looks up as she watches Onslo.

"What is it? What d'you see Onslo?"

"Everybody run! That group is running away from a horde of savage giants!!! Head to the mountain we pass by earlier. There is a small cave in there where we can hide and let the two groups pass without them seeing us. Run quickly!"

All the wolves morphed into their beast forms while Dumu transformed into his half-snake form after removing the weights on their bodies. He immediately carried Asha in his arms after attaching his weights on his arms as he slithers back to the mountain they saw just before they decided to set camp.

Everyone was panicking as the ground shakes more that it's making it hard for everybody to even move. Onslo is flying high in circles as he waits for them to all reach and climb up the mountain. He is keeping watch all those beast men's energy along with the savage giants. It is too late for the running beasts as they try to escape the horde of savage giants, but not for Asha's group. They can still escape and hide from the savage creatures.

"Are savage giants that scary that all of you are panicking?"

Asha is tightly holding around Dumu's neck as he slithers and jumps his way up the mountain fast. The other wolves are also fast enough to catch up as they leap and run.

"They are very large beasts as tall as hills that always come in hordes wife. They are large and powerful that even high-starred beast men have difficulty in killing one. It will be deadly if we get caught in between a running horde. They are dumb like wild beasts so we just need to hide to avoid them."

"But they should be at the Forsaken Grassland, yes? Why are they here?" Tarik asked after he morphs back to perfect form when they reached the opposite side of the mountain to avoid being seen. The other wolves did the same and wear their wrap around skirt back for their alpha is a bit sensitive with them being naked around her. They are all still holding the weights that they've removed. Those are things they got from their alpha so there's no way they'll just leave and discard it anytime.

Dumu slithers to a cave Asha is pointing for him to go so the others can follow.

"It is still possible. If you go straight west from here, you will reach it. It takes longer because of the high steep mountains bordering the Forsaken Grassland and Abundant Plains but you will get there if you go around the mountainside along the coastline."

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