Chapter 44

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The four boys traipsed miserably into the great hall, following their final, but most certainly not last, detention with Filch. Each of the four boys had been given two weeks every single night for flooding the sixth floor corridor, which meant for that day only, all lessons had been cancelled.

However the praises of the prank had soon worn off, leaving the boys tired after 14 solid days of Filch alone.

It seemed none of the quartet were eager to pull another extravagant prank for some time, for they missed having their free time greatly.

"Whoever did this is a bloody genius," came the voice of an older sixth year, as he and his friends exited the great hall.

"Better pranksters than those Marauders and Prewitts I reckon," came a second voice.

"No ones better than us," James retaliated determinedly, spinning angrily on his heel. "Who the bloody hell are you talking about anyway?"

"Turn around idiots," came the third voice, as the boys began to laugh jocularly.

The four boys turned around, being met with quite possibly one of the funniest sights the four had seen.

The Slytherins were all sat along their house table, dressed reputably in prestigious ball gowns. Each had aggrieved expressions plastered across their faces, whilst they sulked miserably into their food.

"Mister Potter, Lupin, Black and Pettigrew," came the sharp tone of McGonagall, as she approached the four gaping boys. "Is this your doing?"

"I wish it was," Sirius spoke in admiration, watching in amusement as Snape grumbled angrily in his pink frilly dress. "This is awesome!"

"And very against our school rules," McGonagall snapped. "If I find out that any one of you was part of this..."

"How could we have been?" James replied earnestly, looking towards McGonagall with innocent eyes. "We've been in detention with Filch."

"Check with the Prewitts," piped in Remus, who was pleased to admit for once they were completely innocent.

"I already have," said McGonagall with a small shake of her head. "Apparently it wasn't them either. We better not have another set of pranksters arising."

"You love us really Minnie," Sirius grinned, with a dramatic wink.

"And don't worry Minnie," spoke James, throwing a cheeky arm over Peters shoulder. "We'll make sure we remain the best pranksters of Hogwarts. This," he said, gesturing to the Slytherins in dresses. "This is nothing compared to what we are capable of."

McGonagall shook her head in despair, finally turning away from the four boys.

"You do realise this is some tricky magic," Remus said, gesturing to the dresses determinedly. "We wouldn't have pulled this off."

"I know that Moony!" James cried in despair, flopping down at the Gryffindor table angrily. "Who here is trying to steal our spotlight? If they carry on, we'll be out of business for good!"

"That would be a pity, wouldn't it?" came an angelic voice from beside James, as she leant endearingly over his shoulder. "I'd watch your backs if I were you."

"Yeah yeah, whatever Brennan," replied Sirius, watching closely as the blonde wrapped her arms around James' neck. "Like you'd be able to pull something like this off."

"Don't underestimate me," the girl grinned, glancing back over to the Slytherin table once more. "I must say, you all seemed in awe at my handiwork a few minutes ago."

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