I get this feeling like it all could happen

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As Kurt and Faye stood together in the quiet, dimly lit alleyway, the conversation had flowed effortlessly, going from music to Kurt giving advices on the hottest places in town. But eventually a comfortable silence settled between them. The soft glow of the streetlights cast a gentle warmth around them, adding to the intimacy of the moment.

Suddenly, as if feeling an impulse he couldn't resist, Kurt took a step closer to Faye. His heart raced a little faster, but he was determined to seize the moment. With a hint of nervousness, he reached out and gently tucked a loose strand of Faye's hair behind her ear, his touch tender and tentative. Faye's breath caught at the unexpected gesture, a subtle blush gracing her cheeks. Her eyes met Kurt's, who hesitated for a split second, his heart pounding with uncertainty. He searched Faye's eyes for any sign of discomfort, but instead, he found a glimmer of something unspoken—silent mutual comprehension that seemed to resonate between them.

Encouraged by the warmth in her gaze, Kurt took a deep breath, summoning courage, and spoke softly, "Faye, I don't know what it is about you but I get this feeling..." His voice trailed off, his nerves almost getting the better of him.

Before he could finish his sentence, a distant shout from inside the bar interrupted the moment. Startled, Kurt and Faye glanced back toward the entrance, realizing they might have been outside for longer than they thought. Faye chuckled lightly, a mix of relief and surprise in her voice. "Seems like they're looking for us. We should probably head back inside," she said, breaking the brief spell. Although she was obviously attracted to him she didn't know how to proceed whatsoever.

Kurt felt a pang of disappointment at the interruption, but he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we don't want them sending out a search party," he replied, trying to lighten the mood.

Reluctantly, they stepped away from each other, the moment abruptly paused. As they made their way back inside the bar, the silence hanging over was screaming and begging for something else.

As they stepped inside, Blake shot Faye a questioning look, a silent inquiry that seemed to demand for answers. Faye responded with a nonchalant eye roll, determined to divert her attention by getting a drink as fast as possible. The lingering impact of her last interaction with Kurt left her feeling unsettled, and she hoped a drink would help take the edge off. She couldn't shake the uncertainty of what might transpire between her and Kurt. As eager as she was to explore a closer connection, a part of her felt relieved for she wasn't sure on how to deal with the whole situation. 

"So what took you guys so long out there, anyway?" Blake blurted out, unable to contain his curiosity.

Kurt glanced at Faye, looking somewhat lost for an appropriate response.

"We just took a break for a smoke, and Kurt was kind enough to share some great spots around the city," Faye answered, coming to Kurt's rescue.

"Seems like there's a lot for you to explore, Faye," Blake retorted sharply, hinting at something more beneath the surface.

"Don't worry, I've got all the time in the world. And good company," Faye replied, her gaze lingering on Kurt for a few moments longer than necessary, noticing the added nervousness in his demeanor as he nervously tugged at his hair. She might have been unsure of the emotions stirring within her, but she found herself unable to suppress the playful hints and insinuations directed toward him, especially because Blake made room for it. 

Faye announced her intention to hit the bar for a drink, asking if anyone else wanted something. Krist, already a bit tipsy, responded with a playful, "For that, the answer is always yes!"

Shelli offered to accompany Faye. As they began making their way through the crowded space toward the bar, Mark's voice boomed across the room, "Hurry up, or we won't make it in time for the Melvins!"

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