Feels like falling in love for the first time

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There was an undeniable allure to Kurt's invitations, a magnetic pull that Faye couldn't resist. At this moment, questioning was out of the equation. Rational thoughts took a back seat, and seeking out Amy to inform her departure from the club didn't even cross her mind. In a surrender to the moment, Faye simply allowed Kurt to take the lead. Without uttering a single word, she reached for his hand, signifying her acceptance.

He led her through the dimly lit streets of Olympia. The city had a certain charm, different from Seattle, and the night air carried a salty sea breeze, providing a stark contrast to the vibrant chaos at the club. Kurt's hand in hers provided a comforting anchor as they meandered through the quiet city. Faye stole glances at him, noticing the subtle expressions on his face that reflected both contentment and excitment. 

After a few turns and twists, they found themselves at a quieter spot by the waterfront. The gentle lapping of the water against the dock provided a soothing soundtrack to their evening. Kurt looked at Faye, his eyes gleaming with affection.

"Here we are," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. Faye couldn't help but reciprocate it, grateful for this unexpected adventure. The city lights reflected on the water, creating a picturesque scene that mirrored the calmness settling between them.

Kurt found a comfortable spot, and they sat down together, the wooden planks of the dock beneath them. The night unfolded with a serene beauty as they gazed at the shimmering water. In this quiet corner of Olympia, Kurt and Faye found a sanctuary away from the noise of their respective worlds.

Faye nestled closer to Kurt, her arms encircling him. "I can't help but wonder what my dad would say about us right now," she mused.

Kurt chuckled, "Considering we're just sitting here, watching the waves and not causing any trouble, I hope he'd give us a pass on this one."

A faint smile played on Faye's lips as she responded, "You see, that's because you haven't met my dad. He wasn't exactly the best at having conversations about boys and relationships. His solution? A complete ban on dating. According to him, it was a waste of time, and I should focus on my studies. But, you know, he's a good dad."

Kurt grinned, raising an eyebrow playfully. "How does enforcing a dating ban make him a good dad?"

Faye took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting nostalgia. "Well, after my mother went away, he was left to figure out how to raise a girl all on his own. He didn't have a clue, but I believe he genuinely did his best with the limited tools he had."

Kurt couldn't resist poking fun, gently tapping her nose. "You're so cute defending his patriarchal methods."

Faye protested with a laugh, "Hey, I guess judges gonna judge."

Kurt took a moment, gazing out at the moonlit waves before he spoke. "Well, I'm no expert in family issues either," he admitted, vulnerability in his voice. "My family, or what was left of it, was pretty messed up. I never really knew my dad, and my mom... well, she had her struggles. I moved around a lot, and I never really had a stable home."

"I suppose the only legacy they handed down to me was a sense of angst, which, in turn, drew me towards music," he remarked, his hand extending to grasp his lighter.

She listened attentively, sensing the weight behind Kurt's words. "I think we all have our own ways of coping, finding hope in something that makes sense when the world doesn't," she offered, her fingers tracing absent-minded patterns on his arm.

He nodded, grateful for the understanding. "Yeah, you're right. And meeting you, it feels like I'm stumbling upon a piece of my story that's been missing. It's strange, but in a good way."

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