For the things you do endear you to me

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The soft rain against the window provided a soothing soundtrack to the quiet intimacy of the moment. Faye nestled on Kurt's chest, the warmth of their connection palpable in the air as they traced idle patterns on each other's skin.

"Hey," he whispered, breaking the comfortable silence. "You okay?"

Faye lifted her head slightly, looking into his eyes with tenderness. "Yeah, more than okay. That was... something else."

Kurt's concern seemed to dissipate as he exhaled a sigh of relief. "I just wanted to make sure you enjoyed it as much as I did. I've been thinking about this for a while, you know?"

She chuckled softly, resting her head back on his chest. "Trust me, Kurt, I enjoyed every moment of it. It was beautiful, and I feel... I feel closer to you."

He tightened his embrace, a hint of self-consciousness in his tone. "I just want you to know I care about you. A lot."

She closed her eyes for a minute. "And I care about you too. This... it means something to me."

He traced his fingers along her cheek, a tender gesture. "I'm glad to hear that."

Faye's arm extended towards the lampshade, finding the switch as she turned it down. Exhaustion settled in, a shared weariness from the emotional and physical experiences they had just embraced.

Nestled beside Kurt, Faye found an extra layer of security in his embrace. The snug bed encouraged a closeness that she welcomed wholeheartedly. In the tight space, their bodies naturally gravitated towards each other. The night enveloped them swiftly, and she succumbed to the tranquility that Kurt's presence provided. She reached for a blanket and draped it over their entwined bodies, ensuring warmth and closeness. With a sigh, they surrendered to the embrace of fatigue, allowing the of the night to lull them into a shared slumber.

With the arrival of the morning light, Faye stirred awake. Mindful not to disturb Kurt, she moved quiet as she closed the curtains, shielding him from the intrusion of daylight. A soft glow illuminated him and taking a moment to admire the peaceful countenance of the man beside her, Faye allowed herself to drift back into the soothing embrace of sleep.

She awoke again after a deep slumber, her eyes catching the clock's display—almost ten. Despite a desire to linger in the warmth of the bed, she felt a responsibility to help Kurt prepare for the upcoming auditions. Gently, she turned towards him, her fingers delicately combing through his tousled hair that partially covered his face.

As she stroked his hair, Kurt stirred from his profound sleep, slowly emerging into wakefulness. "Hey, sweet boy," Faye greeted him with a broad smile, her head resting on her chin as she admired his peaceful countenance.

"Morning, beautiful," he responded, meeting her gaze before closing his eyes once more. "What time is it?"

Drawing closer, she answered, "It's almost ten. I think we should start getting ready for the day. Aren't the auditions scheduled for the afternoon?"

Kurt sighed deeply, "Yeah, I forgot about that for a minute," he playfully pulled her closer under the blankets, adding, "It's because you distract me so much."

Faye couldn't suppress a giggle as Kurt showered her face and neck with a series of delicate kisses. The sensation sent a tingling electricity through her, and she basked in the tenderness of the moment. Still, she gently reminded him of the responsibilities looming ahead. Protesting playfully, Kurt expressed how she had left him craving for more.

"Come on, Kurt, we can indulge in more of this later. Right now, we need to focus on your big day," she suggested, giving him an encouraging smile. She got up from the bed and reached for comfy jeans and a shirt, casually mentioning, "I don't have much to offer in terms of breakfast. A few granola bars and... instant coffee, perhaps?" She glanced toward the cabinet.

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