In my face, it's not over

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Faye glanced at the clock hanging on the wall of their dorm room, realizing that Blake would be arriving soon. She and Amy were getting ready for the evening.

"Blake will be here any second," Faye remarked, checking her reflection in the mirror one last time.

As the minutes ticked by, there was a knock on the door. Faye opened it to find Blake standing there with a group of people.

Blake greeted them with a wide smile, gesturing to his companions. "Faye, meet everyone. Everyone, meet Faye and Faye's roommate," The girls stepped out of the room as he continued, "And this is Mark," indicating a guy among the group. "Mark's the one who hosted that gathering we crashed the other night."

"Nice to meet you all!", Faye exclaimed, exchanging greetings with the group. With introductions made, the group set off towards the venue hosting the performance. Faye felt a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins.

"So, Mark," Faye couldn't hold her curiosity while they were driving down the road in a van that belonged to Mark himself. "Blake tells me you actually are friends with the band," she left it open to find out more about this odd connection.

"Yeah, that's what it looks like. I am actually friends with Krist, the bassist. We met back in Olympia," he explained that their encounter came through a mutual friend. Additionally, he shared that he once dabbled in playing the bass for another band but eventually realized that the path of a musician wasn't meant for him.

The venue buzzed as they made their way through the lively crowd. The place was already brimming with concert-goers waiting for the show to begin. Part of their group had dispersed, each finding their own tribe. Blake and Mark stuck around to Faye's relief, because although she was very much excited she didn't know anyone, and neither knew her way out there. Blake and Mark maneuvered through the crowd, making a beeline for the bar to fetch drinks for the four of them. Amidst the chatter and the clinking of glasses, the crowd's murmurs grew louder, signaling the imminent start of the concert. With drinks in hand, they hustled back toward Faye and Amy, arriving just in time for the band to take the stage as the lights went out and the noisy crowd began to fade.

The guitarist stepped forward, tuning his instrument as a hush fell over the venue. Expectant faces turned toward the stage, eagerly awaiting the band's introduction. Yet, without a word, the band plunged into their set, the first chords of "Love Buzz" reverberating through the air. The audience erupted as the band's energy surged forth, captivating everyone's attention. Each band member radiated a unique vitality, complementing one another seamlessly and generating an electrifying ambiance. The bassist, unmistakably tall, held the rhythm steadfastly, exuding infectious joy through his animated leaps and bounds. In contrast, the guitarist remained intensely focused, delivering potent riffs and slightly modified lyrics from the original track by Shocking Blue. Meanwhile, the drummer powered through with an intense fervor, propelling the music forward with a frenzied vigor.

However, it was the frontman who seized Faye's attention. Clad in a nondescript sweater, his disheveled hair falling over his intense gaze, he possessed an enigmatic aura. He wielded his guitar with fervor, pouring raw emotion into each strum, his haunting voice weaving through the melodies.

"Aren't they something else?" Mark asked the group, Faye still trying to process what she was witnessing.

"What is the guitarist's name again?" Faye asked while still keeping her eyes fixed on the stage.

"That's Kurt. Kurt Cobain." Mark replied. A response that would remain etched in her memory indefinitely. A name that would forever be tattooed on her skin and bones.

As the band transitioned into "Dive", a track unfamiliar to Faye's ears, she found herself captivated by the melodic intensity and roughness of the song. Her attention was now fully drawn to Kurt, who appeared to encapsulate the very soul of the tune. Each strum of his guitar sent ripples of emotion through the venue, his voice carrying a hauntingly powerful resonance as he delivered the lyrics with an unparalleled fire. His stage presence was unpolished and sophisticated at the same time, his emotive expressions and unfiltered energy captivating the audience. There was an almost ethereal quality to him, a sense of pure authenticity that permeated the performance, leaving Faye entranced by its intensity.

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