The road is long, we carry on

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Upon Kurt's return to Olympia, a jolt of reality interrupted the dreamlike state he had been experiencing. The weight of the Chad situation pressed heavily on him, stirring a sense of regret as their bond had grown stronger. The constant turnover of drummers left Kurt fatigued and questioning the path of music and the band. A lingering doubt surfaced, suggesting that perhaps this endeavor wasn't his true calling. Yet, the thought of abandoning music left him grappling with an unsettling void, as it was the very force that kept him grounded amidst the chaos. With a deep sigh, he approached Krist's apartment, his temporary abode, burdened by the uncertainties looming on the horizon.

"Hey, lover boy. How was Seattle?" Krist inquired, sprawled on the couch.

Kurt, wearing a faint grin, replied, "Same old same old." He joined Krist on the couch, recounting, "It was great. We went to sunset hill, then just chatted and stuff."

"Stuff?" Krist raised an eyebrow suggestively.

Kurt chuckled, "No man, nothing like that. We're just getting to know each other."

"I didn't know you need to get to know people to get laid," Krist quipped. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head disapprovingly.

"I like her, for real. It's not like I'm just trying to get it on with her," he clarified, sinking into the couch and reminiscing about the evening. 

Krist responded, "If you say so...Anyways, talked to Buzz today. He thinks we can put up auditions in Seattle."

Kurt nodded, appreciating the effort but couldn't fully shake off his worries. "That's good news."

"But you still have to talk to Chad," added Krist, while looking at the blisters on his fingers.

"I know, I know," Kurt continued, "this has been getting on my damn nerves, but I'm doing it tomorrow. I just have to rest a little and find the right words, that's all."

Krist, always nonchalant, quipped, "Yeah, something like 'you're fired' could do it." Kurt responded with a playful elbow, marveling at Krist's ability to stay cool amidst the band tensions. That night, Kurt chose to hold onto the positive moments he shared earlier with Faye. Besides, he had a built-in excuse to see her again during the auditions.

Back in Seattle, Faye entered her dorm room to find a surprised Amy waiting for her. "Where were you? I was starting to get worried," Amy exclaimed. 

Initially planning to keep things to herself, Faye decided to share it with her. "Do you remember Kurt, the guitarist from Nirvana?" she asked.

"Yeah, of course, I remember," Amy replied, growing increasingly curious.

"Well, we, hmm, we hung out today after classes," Faye confessed. 

Amy, now sitting up, couldn't contain her surprise. "Wait, what? But when did you, how did you..." Her words trailed off in astonishment. 

"Remember when we were backstage after their concert? We talked a little, and... I guess he liked me?" Even Faye couldn't believe what she was saying. "Anyway, I think you remember that first part, but I met Blake the other day, who's now living with Mark, and I got to meet him again at a Melvins concert." Amy, wide-eyed, waited eagerly for more. "And then we got to hang out alone a little while, and I guess that's pretty much it."

Amy, still in shock, exclaimed, "Now, wait a minute, you're telling me you had a date with Kurt? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"I guess so," Faye replied as she started to remove her makeup. 

"And he managed to get you out on a Tuesday night? Who are you, and what have you done to my friend?" Faye laughed, but Amy continued, "No, but seriously, that's so cool, Faye! Plus, the guy is ultimately handsome. You're so lucky!"

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