My Cancer is sun and my Leo is moon

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"I can't believe you're driving all the way to Seattle on a Tuesday," remarked Krist, still intrigued by Kurt's sudden frenzy. Kurt, seemingly not paying much attention, muttered, "Where are the keys?"

Krist leaned against the doorstep, observing. Before stepping out, he added, "Remember you still have to talk with Chad." 

Kurt nodded, stating, "I'll take care of it." 

Conversations like that always disturbed him, but he knew what he had to do. Right now, though, he wanted to take it off his mind for a while. Anxious about meeting Faye, he felt sick. It could have been the lingering hangover from last night, but the thought of Faye intensified the feeling. The drive to Seattle served as both a distraction and a time for contemplation. His mind oscillated between thoughts of the upcoming meeting with Faye and the impending conversation with Chad. Yet, in a moment of self-reflection, Kurt decided that he had no reason to be overly self-conscious about meeting Faye. She had already proven to be kind and a source of calm, which helped alleviate his unease.

Meanwhile, back at college, Faye had awakened earlier than usual, determined to make a lasting impression on Kurt. She meticulously chose her outfit, applied a touch of makeup, and styled her hair, all in an effort to present herself in the best light. Seeing Kurt after class consumed her thoughts all day long, causing time to drag on endlessly during her lectures. Each passing minute felt like an eternity as she awaited. Faye chose to skip her final lecture of the day and headed straight to the library. Amidst the overwhelming newness of everything, Kurt had already become someone special to her. She sat in silence, oscillating between intrusive thoughts, entertaining the possibility that he might not even show up. However, recalling the moments they shared last weekend reassured her. Deep down, she was confident that Kurt wouldn't just want to mess around with her.

She glanced at the clock on the wall; time had flown, and she was already running late. Rushing to the university entrance where they had agreed to meet, she found Kurt leaning against his car, casually smoking a cigarette.

"Sorry, I lost track of time," she said, catching her breath, "Did you wait too long?" 

Kurt flashed a wide smile, shaking his head. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and reassured her, "Calm down now. It looks like you just ran a marathon or something."

Faye started fixing her hair, attempting to slow her pace and calm her nerves. "So, how were classes?" Kurt asked. 

She vaguely replied, looking away, "Oh, they were fine," unable to recall a single thing from the day. All she could think about was him.

Kurt smiled as they approached his car, a model with a personality of its own. "For as lovely as your university is, what do you say about heading somewhere else?" he proposed. Faye nodded in agreement, and they slid into it.

As Kurt started the engine, Faye couldn't help but express her concern. "Isn't it too much trouble for you to drive all the way from Olympia to Seattle on a weekday?" she asked. 

Kurt chuckled, "No trouble at all. I love hitting the road, and, you know, I don't really have such thing as 'weekdays'," he remarked with a faint smile, while watching the road.

Kurt navigated through the streets of Seattle until they reached 34th Avenue Northwest. As he parked, he turned to Faye with a mischievous smirk and suggested, "Last time we saw the sunrise, what'd you say about a sundown for now?" She graciously smiled in agreement, and they both stepped out of the car.

"Well, after all, this place is called Sunset Hill for a reason," Kurt remarked as he opened the car's trunk and retrieved a blanket. He spread it over the ground and motioned for Faye to sit. They settled on the blanket, overlooking the breathtaking scene of the sun setting over the bay marina. Faye remained quiet, absorbing the serene moment. She felt a bit shier this time, lacking the familiar presence of friends or the buzz of alcohol. However, Kurt seemed unperturbed by the silence.

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