I like you a lot

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The upcoming week was unlike any other for Faye. Struggling with a stubborn flu after the eventful weekend and with decisive papers and an exam ahead, she recognized her dedication could secure decent grades. However, the recent events in her life had left a mark, making it challenging to strike a balance between personal matters and academic responsibilities. Realizing the need to set aside daydreams, she resolved to focus on her classes. The initial trials didn't unfold as expected, but gradually, the weight of the pressure to excel amplified her determination. With deep dives into her studies and copious amounts of coffee, she managed to regain her direction.

Amidst the academic hustle, the looming presence of Kurt's imminent return to town remained on hold. He hadn't reached out, likely apprehensive that Amy might answer the phone. Faye decided it was a good time for a break. Recognizing the importance of giving him space, especially as he was going through significant decisions for the band's future, she opted to step back for a while.

On Thursday morning, Faye rose earlier than usual. With a major test scheduled for the afternoon, she chose to skip her morning class to review her notes at the library. Prioritizing a decent meal, she headed to the cafeteria near the library, ordering waffles and coffee. Seated with her books and notes, a hint of worry lingered about the upcoming exam, leaving her with no time to spare.

"I guess even the Nirvana Fan Club President needs to study, huh?" A familiar voice reverberated. Blake pulled up a chair and sat across from her.

"Good morning, Blake," she replied without taking her eyes off the notes. "I have my first test today."

"Oh," he sounded apologetic. "I didn't want to disturb you."

"It's okay," she glanced at him, taking a sip of her coffee. "I'm, sorry, just a bit nervous. I'm a little bit sick, which also makes everything looks extra complicated."

"You're going to do just great," he reassured, attempting to calm her down.

"So, how's everything? I see you're still in college," Faye said, deciding to take a break.

"Yes, I am, as a matter of fact. I guess I'm going to need to find a job before making any great moves." She just nodded, taking another sip of her coffee. She felt like she had no right to get into his business without being requested.

"Hey, Mark tells me Nirvana is putting up auditions this Saturday for a new drummer," he circled back to the band as he intended at the beginning. "I'm thinking of trying it out, what do you say?" He said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood.

"Now, that would be something to talk about," she chimed in.

"No, but seriously, am I gonna see you there?" He asked.

"Uh, probably, I guess," she replied while taking a bite of her waffles.

"Awesome! I'm so pumped!" He exclaimed in excitement.

Even when she purposefully avoided thinking about Kurt, there would be someone there to remind her of him. Little did she know that, with time, it would become more and more frequent.

"Okay, I'll let you and your books now, gotta go, but talk soon, okay?" He said getting up and playfully messing around with Faye's hair.

"Bye, Blake," she tried to focus back on the subject, but Kurt insisted on lingering. She contemplated the possibility of calling him. But she ultimately decided that it would depend on her mood after the exam. She rushed through her breakfast and made her way to the library.

There she sat for hours, immersing herself in preparation for her upcoming exam. When it was around lunchtime, she decided she had done enough, realizing there wouldn't be sufficient time to cover any remaining material. Packing her belongings, she opted for a break outside to reset her mind for the test.

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