The facts of life can sometimes make it hard to dream

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Disrupted by a ray of light that beamed brightly on her face, Faye awakened, feeling a bit disoriented and unable to recall precisely what had happened. She found herself lying on the couch with Kurt, the two of them sharing a blanket. Opting to remain lying down for a while, she became captivated by his features as he slept, losing herself in the moment and attempting to piece together the events of the previous night. Did they...? She couldn't quite recollect.

A growing feeling of unease began to engulf her. Struggling to remember the events, she found herself in an unfamiliar setting – not at Amy's house as expected – and a persistent hangover was starting to make its presence felt.

"Damn, we really need some curtains," Kurt muttered, awakening to the intrusive light. He spoke softly, as if conversing with himself. "Oh, hey, you're up. Good morning," he greeted, flashing a broad smile and delicately tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Uh, morning..." she mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed by the entire situation and dealing with the aftermath of the alcohol. She kept starring at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact.

"What's wrong?" Kurt inquired, sensing her discomfort.

Faye hesitated for a moment before finally voicing her confusion. "I... I don't really remember much from last night."

Kurt's reassuring smile remained, and he gently replied, "Hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it. We just got caught in the rain and came back here. Nothing to be embarrassed about."

But Faye couldn't shake off her concern. "No, Kurt, you don't understand. I blacked out. I don't remember anything after the rain, and now I'm here, and I have no idea what happened."

Kurt, still calm and understanding, said, "Look, it's possible that the alcohol hit you harder than you expected. We didn't do anything you wouldn't have wanted to do. I promise."

Faye, although reassured by his words, couldn't leave behind the uneasiness that lingered. The blank spaces in her memory left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

She struggled to voice her concern, her shame evident. "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid about. Did we... you know, did we..." She couldn't bring herself to complete the sentence.

Kurt, understanding her question, chuckled softly and reassured her, "Oh, that. No, we didn't. Like I said, it wouldn't be nice. I guess my instincts were right, huh?" He got up to fetch some water for her.

He handed her the glass of water, offering it with a kind smile. "See? Nothing happened. We just crashed here and fell asleep. No need to be ashamed."

Faye took it and sighing in relief. "I'm sorry. I just got a bit freaked out waking up here and not remembering anything."

Kurt sat down beside her, understanding the unease. "It happens. Sometimes, alcohol can mess with your memory a bit. But I guarantee you, everything is fine."

She managed a small smile, grateful for his understanding. "Thanks, Kurt. I appreciate it."

"Here, take this; it'll help with the hangover," he said, offering her an aspirin to alleviate her symptoms. 

She accepted the pill, muttering, "I swear to God I'm never drinking again," before swallowing it. 

He chuckled softly, responding, "Yeah, everyone says that."

She playfully elbowed him and remarked, "Don't make fun of my pain. I'm serious." He feigned a hurt expression and replied, "Ouch, okay. I guess one day at a time, right?"

"Shoot, what about Amy? I guess I never told her I was going with you," she muttered to herself. "Now, easy. Let's wait for Krist and Shelli to wake up and see how it went. Don't worry too much; otherwise, you'll relapse sooner than you expect," he teased.

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