But tonight you're on my mind

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Upon returning to her college life in Seattle, Faye was between reluctance and determination. Initially, she had believed that a few extra days away wouldn't affect her studies, but as she struggled to get back on track, she realized the gravity of her oversight. Yet, despite the academic challenges she faced, she couldn't bring herself to regret the time she spent with Kurt and the exhilarating experiences of attending the band's performances.

As she threw herself into her coursework, Faye found herself grappling with the lingering memories of her time with Kurt and the uncertainty of their future together. She hadn't heard from him since their parting, and although she understood the demands of his music career, she couldn't shake the worry gnawing at her heart.

One evening, while immersed in her studies and catching up on reading, she was interrupted by Amy, her roommate, who lounged on her bed with a casual air.

"Won't you take some sleep now?" She inquired, noticing Faye's tired expression.

"Sorry, can't afford it," Faye replied, her focus on her notes.

Amy's tone turned sharper. "Yeah, I'm sure all that groupie stuff paid off well," she mumbled, a hint of accusation in her voice.

Faye froze, her heart sinking at the unexpected jab. "Excuse me?" she responded, her voice laced with disbelief.

Realizing her mistake, Amy immediately regretted her words. She scrambled to backtrack, jumping up from her bed.

"Look, I'm sorry. I was so stupid for saying that. You know I didn't mean it like that," she apologized, her expression filled with remorse.

Faye remained silent, processing Amy's words. Despite the apology, the sting of Amy's accusation lingered, forcing her to confront the reality of her choices.

"But you have to take yourself seriously enough, Faye. Put yourself first, for Christ's sake," Amy urged, her voice with genuine concern.

With a heavy heart, Faye nodded, her thoughts consumed by the weight of Amy's words. As she resumed her studies, she couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps she had allowed herself to become too entangled in Kurt's world, neglecting her own priorities in the process.

As the week progressed, Faye was gradually regaining her footing, her exhaustion tempered by a growing sense of accomplishment in her coursework. Each assignment completed and lecture attended brought her one step closer to reclaiming control over her academic journey.

By the time Friday arrived, she was exhausted but relieved to have made it through another demanding week. All she yearned for was the comfort of her bed, a sanctuary from the chaos of her studies and the weight of her thoughts.

"We're hitting this venue tonight, some friends from college and I, wanna tag along?" Amy friendly proposed, breaking the silence of the evening.

"I think I'm just gonna stay in and simply do nothing; this week was a lot, and honestly I just want some sleep," Faye replied with a tired smile.

Amy nodded understandingly. "Take care, okay? You're doing just fine."

As soon as the friend left, Faye swiftly changed into comfortable clothes, opting for sweatpants and a cozy hoodie. She grabbed a book unrelated to college, craving the simple pleasure of losing herself in its pages.

Settling into her makeshift haven of relaxation, Faye allowed herself to unwind, the weight of her responsibilities temporarily lifted as she embraced the serenity of the moment.

A few moments later, the phone rang, jolting Faye out of her reverie. She hesitated for a moment, her mind still foggy from exhaustion, before answering to be greeted by the sweetest voice she knew.

"Faye? Is that you? It's me, Kurt," his voice resonated through the receiver, instantly warming her heart.

"Kurt! I can't believe it's you! How've you been? How's England so far?" Faye's excitement was palpable as she eagerly awaited his response.

"Everything's just crazy, but fine," the background noise audible behind him confirmed his words. "I'm sorry I hadn't reached out sooner, but everything was in a hurry."

"Don't worry, baby. I'm just so glad to hear from you. Where are you now?" She longed to know more about his adventures.

"We're in London, we had a concert here today, but we're heading to Leeds like, right now," Kurt explained, the distance between them felt more pronounced with each passing word.

A brief silence followed, filled with unspoken emotions as they both grappled with the ache of longing for each other's presence.

"I miss you," Kurt whispered, his voice laden with longing.

"Me too, Kurt, more than you could ever know. Everything is just so boring without you," Faye confessed, her voice laced with a hint of melancholy.

"Now c'mon, I want you focused, okay? This will be over soon. Is everything okay at college?" Kurt's concern for her well-being was evident, despite the miles between them.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm just catching up on everything," Faye reassured him, though she knew it was easier said than done.

"Good, good," relief in his voice. "Listen, I gotta go now. I'll try and hit you again soon, okay?"

"Don't worry about me. Just go out there and do what you're meant to. You're a star, Kurt. The world needs to know it. Have a blast out there!" Faye encouraged him, her love and admiration shining through her words.

"Thanks, baby. You're amazing. Take care, okay? I'll talk to you soon," Kurt's voice held a warmth that enveloped her, even through the distance. "You're always on my mind." 

With a bittersweet farewell, they ended the call, each holding onto the other's words as a source of comfort amidst the vast expanse that separated them.

As she set the phone down, a mixture of emotions washed over her. She couldn't shake the ache of missing Kurt, yet his voice had provided a comforting tether to their connection. With a heavy sigh, she glanced around her room, the weight of the longing for Kurt intertwining in her mind.

With a contented smile, Faye curled up in her bed, the warmth of her blankets enveloping her tired body. As sleep began to claim her, she whispered a silent prayer for Kurt's safety and success, her heart filled with hope for the day when they would be reunited once more. And with that thought, she drifted off into a peaceful slumber, ready to face whatever was on her way on the next few weeks, but she certainly couldn't wait for October to be over.

[A/N: Hello everyone! This entry is notably briefer than my typical posts, largely due to some personal challenges that have left me feeling somewhat overwhelmed and unmotivated. Naturally, this has had an impact on my writing. However, I am hopeful and determined to make progress soon, as I am eager to advance the narrative of this story. Regardless, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your continued readership. Each one of you is truly appreciated. Sending much love] 

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