I need an easy friend

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The dawn of the new year had definitely left an impression on Faye. And she could almost swear it had jinxed her too. Nothing catastrophic had occurred upon her return to Seattle, but it was the small, nagging things that seemed to chip away at her sense of peace. Besides the usual rhythm of the days, she was grappling with tasks and responsibilities that seemed to multiply with each passing moment.

Though she managed to maintain a decent academic standing in her classes, the initial spark of enthusiasm that accompanied the start of the semester had gradually dimmed. The allure of academia waned as reality pressed upon her, pulling her attention in multiple directions. Alongside her academic pursuits, Faye was on a relentless quest to find a job.

Driven by a desire for financial independence, she was considering any opportunity that offered a semblance of income. While her father's willingness to cover her expenses was a safety net of sorts, it came with an unspoken expectation of accountability. Though he never explicitly demanded it, Faye felt a sense of obligation to justify her choices. The prospect of forging her own path, free from financial constraints, was very alluring. And that had become a priority, at least for now.

In addition to the myriad concerns, Kurt lingered persistently in the recesses of Faye's mind. Though the events of the Portland incident were somewhat like a distant memory, the emotions remained vivid and alive within her. Back in Seattle, she felt torn between the desire to support her boyfriend and a profound sense of helplessness. With physical distance calling the shots, she grappled with the limitations of offering empathy through phone calls.

Another cold January week was starting, and for as much as Faye wanted to remain in the comfort of her bed she quickly made her way out, not having much time to waste until the first class started. She headed straight to the cafeteria where she could get coffee and newspaper.

"Morning, Faye," Blake greeted as he spotted her on their usual table. "What are you doing here so early?"

She glanced up while reading, her lips curling into a faint smile. "What are you doing here so early?" she quipped.

"Touché," he chuckled, pulling out a chair and sitting down. "I'm actually helping a friend out. We're supposed to meet here."

Faye nodded in understanding before explaining, "Well, I'm looking for a job."

"Oh," he leaned on the table. "What kind of job are you looking for?"

"Anything that pays and doesn't require more than my full name, basically." She shrugged while putting the pages down and sipping on her coffee.

"You know, a friend of mine is looking for help at this coffee shop opening a store in a mall downtown." A thoughtful expression crossed his face. "I could hook you up."

Faye's eyes brightened with gratitude. "That would be amazing, Blake. I'd love it."

"No problem at all. I'll get in touch with him," he waved off her thanks. "And hey, if it works out, I'll want a tall espresso, please."

She chuckled, liking the idea. "Sounds like a plan."

With a greater sense of accomplishment than she had felt in previous days, Faye allowed herself to enjoy her coffee and read something unrelated to job hunting.

That evening, as she worked on an assignment, Amy bursted into the room.

"Hey, where've you been?" Faye glanced at the clock, realizing it was way past the end of classes.

"My parents were here in Seattle," Amy explained as she sank onto her bed. "I have some news."

She immediately dropped her pencil, turning her full attention to her roommate. "So?"

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