It's strange what desire could make foolish people do

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Lying in Blake's room, they could hear the distant echoes of conversation and laughter emanating from the basement below. Faye had Kurt nestled on her lap, gently running her fingers through his hair. They had cooled down a bit compared to a few minutes ago.

"You won't believe this guy Buzz brought to the auditions," he was talking about the unfolding of the afternoon, his voice carrying the excitement of the day. Faye, though a firsthand witness to umost of it, found joy in hearing his perspective. As he shared his thoughts on the auditions and envisioned the creative path for the band, she reveled in his happiness and enthusiasm.

"See? I told you everything would fall into place. Now, you're one step ahead." She leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, causing him to close his eyes.

"Thanks for being by my side throughout," he expressed his gratitude. "You surely know how to put me at ease."

She simply smiled and let herself get lost in his golden locks. Their conversation continued for a little longer until they were surprised by Blake entering his room.

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb," he said in an ironic tone.

"We were just resting a little, sorry for entering without permission to your room." She quickly apologized. 

"That's fine, that's fine," he replied while searching for something in his drawer, "as long as you're enjoying yourselves." He mumbled and winked at Faye. "Found it!" he proudly announced. "You guys are just going to be reclusive over here?" he added while jiggling a ziplock packet filled with pot. Faye couldn't help but be a little taken aback by the amount of it.

Kurt laughed at the offer and agreed, "Sure, that sounds like fun," as he lifted himself from Faye's lap. She hesitated for a second. Though not entirely unfamiliar with pot, having tried it a few times during a summer vacation with her cousins, she still felt a bit uneasy. Sensing her hesitation, Kurt stepped back and said, "Unless you still want to hang out here, whatever you prefer."

"No, that's fine," she replied, not wanting to be the one to go against the plan. But she decided she would stick to drinks. They made their way back to the basement, and Mark, catching sight of the couple, jokingly remarked, "How come you're still here? I thought you guys were gone by now."

"Nah, they were just 'resting,'" Blake mimicked air quotes around the last word, eliciting laughter from everyone. Faye felt a little shy, but Kurt promptly held her close and came to her defense. "Hey, we're just enjoying the night in good company, that's all." He a announced with a confident smile.

They sat across the room, Blake rolling a joint as Kurt still had Faye embraced, both of them on the floor. Eventually they started smoking. When Mark offered it to Faye, she promptly denied it, "Nah, just drinks for me tonight," causing him grin.

Mark teased, "Now, Cobain, you found one that can't keep up with you, huh?"

Kurt's voice rose in response, "Oh, give it a break. She does whatever she wants. Now give this to me, dummy." After taking a few hits, he passed it along. Faye felt so happy for how he stood up for her when someone made innuendos about them.

The group continued chatting, their voices taking on a different tone as the effects of the pot settled in. Faye observed how Kurt seemed more relaxed, and a spark of curiosity ignited within her. When it was his turn again, before passing it along, Faye intervened, saying, "I wanna give it a try."

Kurt looked at her with a hint of worry and asked, "You're sure?"

"Yeah, I'm no first-timer to this," she said with a sneaky smile and took the joint from his hand. She gave two strong hits, the second one causing her to immediately cough.

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