So I do what you want

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Hands intertwined, the afterglow of Faye's heartfelt admission lingered in the air of the tranquil park, creating a sweet tension between them. Kurt couldn't contain the fire igniting in his eyes; the sincerity of her words had sparked something profound within him.

"I like you so much, baby," Kurt confessed with a warmth that melted her heart. The term of endearment slipped from his lips once again, adding to the tender embrace. Faye felt a rush of emotions; happiness, vulnerability, and an undeniable connection with the man before her.

She couldn't help but reciprocate the sentiment. Their lips met in a soft, tender kiss that conveyed more than words ever could. In that intimate exchange, they shared pure understanding, a silent acknowledge that there was something special.

"You have no idea how much I've been yearning to hear that," he said placing his hand on her chin, staring deeply into her eyes, guided by the moonlight.

She gave a timid smile. "I know," her eyes now trying to look the other way, "I wish I could've said it before."

"Hey, wait a minute," he looked again into her eyes, "you did it once you felt it, right?" and sealed it with another soft kiss.

"That's the problem," she interrupted, "I've liked you from day one. It's just..." she couldn't find the exact words to express herself. "Damn, you just leave me without words. I just get so weak around you," she spilled it out as if it had been stuck within her guts.

Her head was now down as she apologized, saying, "I'm sorry for raging at you. I didn't mean to."

Lifting her head gently by the chin, he replied, "It's okay to be mad,"

Now she stared fixedly into his eyes. "It's just... I don't have control around you. You see, I've spent years of my life building up these walls to protect me... and then you come along, and... I fall to pieces," she admitted, not giving too much thought to what she said. It was as if she was skipping the logical part of her.

Kurt was amused by the burst of emotion she had let out. With a soft smile, responded, "Faye, you don't have to apologize for feeling. It's okay to let your guard down. I want you to be real with me, even if it means being angry or vulnerable."

He gently wiped away a stray tear that had escaped her eye during the emotional outburst. "You don't need to fall apart. I'll be here to catch you every time. And besides," he added with a grin, "I find your pieces just as beautiful."

Faye couldn't help but giggle at his comment. It was a relief to have someone who encouraged her to be herself, flaws and all. Her eyes softened, appreciating the understanding in his words. She felt a warmth in her chest, a feeling of reassurance settled in, allowing her to be as authentic as she desired, just as she hoped he would be with her.

Expressing her gratitude for his empathy, she found comfort in his sweet smile as he casually brushed it off. Retrieving his pack of cigarettes, he extended one towards her, she accepted it and settled her head on his lap to rest. While he lit her cigarette, she opened up, "I'm just not used to being vulnerable."

Kurt chuckled softly, responding, "Well, I'm no expert on that either. I suppose we'll both have to be patient with each other, won't we?" The glow of the cigarette embers illuminating the calmness settling down between them.

He reassured her once again, his words acting as a soothing melody that captivated her. Mesmerized, she found herself attentively watching his features—the way he spoke, the strands of his hair falling gently. The subtle interplay of light and shadow highlighted the contours of his face, casting a spell on her senses. His words continued to flow, but she found herself as if he was saying all the words she was dreaming. She snapped out of it when he finished his cigarette and began running his left hand through her hair.

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