And the darkest hour is just before dawn

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The first rays of sunlight pierced through the window, disrupting the brief sleep that Faye managed to snatch. The night before had been extraordinary, unlike any other. 

Euphoria lingered long after the concert ended, and the animosity continued during the night into the early hours of the morning. Laughter, playful banter, and clinking glasses filled the room as everyone revealed in the post-show high.

Kurt took the opportunity to introduce Faye to his circle of friends, proudly referring to her as his girlfriend. It was a title she was still getting used to, but in the best possible way. People often referred to her as "Kurt's girl," a label that occasionally sparked a flicker of irritation in Kurt, "she has a name," he'd storm out. But for Faye, it didn't bother her in the slightest. After all, she was exactly that—his girl.

Waking up beside him served as a gentle reminder of that. She lingered at the edge of the makeshift bed, observing him in the soft morning light. His peaceful slumber was a sight she cherished, one she could never get tired of witnessing. Not wanting to disturb his rest, she quietly rose, zipping up her jeans and slipping into her coat before stepping outside for a smoke.

The crisp October breeze greeted her, causing a smile to tug at her lips. It was surreal to think that she, the studious and focused student, was taking a break to spend a weekend with her musician boyfriend. The thought of her father crossed her mind as she lit up her cigarette, his strict demeanor contrasting with her current escapade. She pondered how he would react.

Her guilt over not visiting home since starting college momentarily weighed on her, but she pushed it aside. She had kept in touch through occasional phone calls and letters, but the prospect of introducing Kurt to her family remained a secret for now. She trusted that the right moment would present itself in due time.

For a brief moment, Faye entertained the thought that it might be easier to discuss Kurt with her estranged mother than with her family back in Westport. She quickly dismissed the idea with a shake of her head. Her relationship with her mother had been strained for years, and they had barely communicated since last Christmas. They were like strangers, nowhere close to a mother-daughter relationship.

Her mother had left when Faye was just a child, disappearing from their lives without a trace. It wasn't until Faye was fourteen that her mother resurfaced, reaching out from her new life in California, where she had remarried and started another family. Faye had never even met her half-sister. Whenever her mother visited Washington, it was always fraught with tension and resentment. She struggled to understand how her mother could abandon her at such a young age, leaving her without the maternal presence she desperately needed.

Despite their troubled history, Faye knew her mother would be eager to hear about her love life, especially when it came to boys. In their sporadic interactions, she always seemed to pry into that subject, only to be met with Faye's guarded responses.

She even recalled her father's advice to inform her mother once she was settled into University, a suggestion she had disregarded entirely. The thought of surprising her with news of that nature amused her. Although she suspected it might not come as a shock at all; rather, her mother might be thrilled by the revelation. Faye speculated that her mother belonged to the adventurous souls, and she imagined that a relationship with a guitarist would be far more intriguing to her than any updates about her college life.

All the thoughts about her family vanished as soon as her cigarette was done. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that dwelling on family drama wasn't on the agenda for the day, knowing it would only lead to a downward spiral. Pushing those thoughts aside, she stepped back into the apartment. Kurt was still sound asleep, but she could hear noises coming from the kitchen.

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