It's only the beggining

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As the fall semester at the University of Washington settled in, Faye had her days becoming structured around her course timetable, a blend of literature classes, language studies, and writing workshops. Between lectures and seminars, she sought solace in the campus library, flipping through worn pages of classic novels or burying herself in research for upcoming assignments.

Despite her inclination towards appreciation of the campus's nooks and crannies, Faye was occasionally tempted by Amy's excitement for the nightlife in Seattle. Amy, ever the outgoing roommate, was often found socializing, eager to explore the city's music scene and nightlife. One evening, as they settled in their dorm room, she talked about an upcoming event at a local club, extending an invitation to Faye.

"Faye, you've got to come tonight! There's this gig happening, and I've heard the band is amazing!" Amy's eyes sparkled.

Faye hesitated, torn between the allure of an exciting night out and her commitment to academic rigor. "I don't know, Amy. I have classes tomorrow, and I really can't afford to get distracted."

Amy's excitement dimmed slightly, acknowledging Faye's concern. "I get it, but it's okay to unwind sometimes. College isn't just about books and classes, you know? We should go out together, have some fun."

"I know, but I can't fall behind. I'm always afraid of failing or missing out on something important," Faye admitted.

The friend sighed. "You're too hard on yourself, Faye. You'll burn out if you don't take breaks. Trust me, one night won't derail your studies. You can make up for it,"

Faye mulled over Amy's words, contemplating the balance between academic dedication and the need for leisure. The desire to explore tugged at her, but the fear of losing focus gnawed at her resolve. She ultimately chose to abstain from joining Amy, feeling a lingering temptation hovering at the edge of her decision.

The next morning dawned with a crisp chill in the air, hinting at the inevitable onset of fall. Faye awoke, the echo of her choice to decline Amy's invitation from the night before still tugging at her thoughts. Yet, as she prepared for another day of classes, the initial regret slowly waned, replaced by the steady rhythm of her routine.

As she took a break between classes, relishing a few moments of calm, a voice cut through the air, calling her name. She turned to see a figure striding towards her. It took her a moment to recognize the familiar face - Blake, an old childhood friend. He appeared vastly different from the boy she once knew, donning a worn leather jacket over faded band tees and ripped jeans.

"Blake? Oh, my goodness, I almost didn't recognize you!" Faye exclaimed, surprised by his presence.

He chuckled, flashing a grin. "It's been a while, huh?" he replied, taking a drag from his cigarette. They used to be neighbors back in the day, before his family moved to Portland.

"How've you been?" he asked, genuine interest glinting in his eyes.

"I'm... Adjusting. Starting college has been quite the whirlwind," Faye admitted. "But what about you? How long have you been here? What are you studying?"

"Law school. Third year," Blake announced, a wry smile on his lips. "It's been... Well, I'm trying not to get lost."

Faye was taken aback, impressed by his accomplishments. "That's amazing! You've come a long way," she said, a mix of surprise and admiration in her voice.

Blake shrugged. "It's a thing. Lots of reading, tons of stress," he admitted, as if he wanted to share more but held back.

Faye noticed a hint of frustration clouding his expression, yet he didn't elaborate on it. To steer away from the topic, she diverted their conversation. "It's good to see you back in Washington. Missed having you around."

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