I've never seen someone lit from within

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After a heartwarming Christmas night with Faye's family, where Kurt charmed everyone with his personality, they ended up extending their stay for two nights in Westport. Faye took the opportunity to show Kurt around her hometown, sharing memories of her upbringing and going to her favorite spots. This time, when they left to go back to Olympia, she felt more at ease than she had felt in ages.

Now they were on the road again. The van roared along and the miles stretched out before them as they made their way to Portland, the landscape rolling past in a blur of greenery and asphalt, lulling the passengers into a reflective mood, ignited by the nostalgic knowing feeling that the last day of the year usually brings.

"So, 1990... feels like it flew by, doesn't it?" Dave broke the silence.

Krist nodded, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery. "Sure does. Feels like just yesterday we were ringing in the new decade."

"It's been quite a ride, that's for sure. But all in all, I've never had more fun like I did this year." Faye leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Shelli raised an eyebrow. "Like what? Late-night cram sessions and dining hall food?"

Faye chuckled, shaking her head. "Okay, maybe not those. But I'm grateful for the opportunities college has brought, the chance to explore a new city and meet interesting people."

Krist shot her a knowing look. "And interesting people indeed."

"What can I say? I've got good taste," she now had her eyes locked with Kurt, who let out a timid grin.

They pulled into a motel on the roadside, just a couple of miles outside Portland.

"Alright, Krist, Shelli, here's yours," Dave handed over the room key. "And Faye, sorry about that, but I guess I'll have to keep up with the roommate thing," he joked, dangling the single key. "We only managed to get two rooms, and I thought it'd be easier for us to bunk together."

"No worries, Dave," she wasn't expecting to have extra company on New Year's Eve but Faye didn't feel in the position of complaining. "I'm sure we'll be fine."

"Hey, just keep the noise down, you know," Krist teased, earning a swat from Shelli.

"Oh, you two can have as much sex as you want, I don't mind, really," Dave added, making Faye blush and wanting to go hide in a hole.

Kurt tried to suppress a laugh in a sympathy gesture towards his girlfriend. "Shut up, both of you."

"Alright, we'll meet here in, let's say...three hours?" Dave glanced at his watch.

"Three hours it is." Krist agreed, placing his hand over Shelli's shoulders and heading to the room.

"Kurt, I'll let you two alone for now, I'm going to meet this friend that lives here in the city." Dave gave the keys to the couple and vanished through the hall.

The room was simple, with two neatly made beds and a small table against the far wall. The curtains were drawn, creating an inviting atmosphere for resting. Kurt wasted no time in going straight to one of the beds, flopping down on it with a relieved sigh.

Faye headed for the minibar only to be met with it empty. "Well, that's disappointing,"

"Looks like we'll have to find some other way to pass the time." Kurt tapped on the mattress.

Faye grinned, joining him on the bed. "I guess so," she leaned on her side. "This is...comfortable." 

With a gentle touch, he cradled her face. "Yeah, it's not bad," his lips whispered against hers, his voice soft.

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