Television static was quite overwhelming

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The concert was an undeniable success. Kurt exuded confidence onstage, a radiant energy that seemed to elevate the entire place. Faye enjoyed every second of it, especially because she watched it among the crowd. While backstage offered a privileged view of the show, nothing quite the honest feeling of being front and center. The raw power of watching Nirvana perform up close was an experience beyond compare.

After the gig, they migrated to a friend's house to keep the momentum alive. Kurt's magnetic presence never wavered; he was a whirlwind of sociability, seemingly everywhere at once. Faye, more accustomed to quieter settings, was pushing past her introverted tendencies to match his outgoing demeanor. She was taken aback by his uncharacteristic extroversion, a side of him she had glimpsed before but now seemed amplified to new heights. He effortlessly engaged in conversations throughout the night, his enthusiasm infectious and his charm captivating.

"Looks like you had a lot of fun tonight," Faye observed, a smile playing on her lips as she unpacked her belongings in his bedroom.

"Honestly, I feel so good," Kurt replied, reclining on the bed with a lit cigarette between his fingers. "I think we've never played quite like this before."

"I'm so happy for you, honey," she said, turning to face him.

"I couldn't have done it without you here," he tugged at her legs. "It's just so much easier knowing that you're there, watching me."

She leaned in, her body eventually falling onto him. The kiss, initially timid, soon escalated to a passionate one. Kurt hungrily explored every inch of her, indicating that he hadn't exhausted all his energy on the concert or the social exchanges earlier.

"God, I want you so bad," he murmured, the words slipping out as Faye gasped for air.

She didn't answer verbally; her body language spoke louder than words could ever do. All she ever wanted was him. And she was going to make sure he knew it.


Waking up next to Kurt was always something Faye could never quite get used to. In those fleeting moments between her hazy state and full consciousness, she would forget, just for a split second, that she had slept beside him. Swould revel in the unexpected joy of finding him there, by her side—a delightful surprise each and every time.

She found Kurt still deeply immersed in sleep. No doubt the concert and the eventful night had taken their toll on him. Deciding to let him rest, she slipped out of the bedroom with practiced quietude, making her way to the kitchen where Dave was already up, sipping on coffee.

"Hello, Dave," she greeted him, stretching her arms above her head before settling into a chair at the table.

"Hey, Faye. Help yourself to some coffee, it's over there, and I think there's cereal on the counter," Dave gestured behind him. "We've got a few errands to run, though."

"So, last  night was amazing, wasn't it? The setlist was unbeatable," she said while pouring some coffee.

"Yeah, not bad considering it was our first gig of the year," Dave agreed.

"And Kurt was in such a good mood. I had never seen him so excited to play before," she remarked, hoping to steer the conversation towards him indirectly.

"He's been something else lately," the words practically came out involuntarily of his mouth.

Faye detected a slight hesitation in Dave's response, prompting her to dive deeper but trying to keep her tone casual. "What do you mean? Is he holding up alright?"

Dave's expression grew more serious, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Well, he's been... busy," he chose his words carefully this time. "But, uh, you know how it is with Kurt. Sometimes it's hard to tell what's really going on."

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