chapter 1

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It's over. Officially over. I've had enough. My dad has abused me for the last time.

As tears streamed down my face I threw my stuff into my bag. My dad was screaming his sorries to me but I ignored him. I didn't care about him or what he thought.

I just needed to get out of this house.

I ran out of the house with my suitcase and my backpack and I started driving in my new car that my mom bought me for my birthday.

My mom left my dad a long time ago and I should've left with her.

I drove and drove until I got to Oklahoma. I was running very low on gas and I went to a gas station, the DX.

I walked up to the gas pump and started filling my truck. I finished and a wave of emotions came over me.

My life just felt so terrible. My back was hurting from all the times my dad hit me and worse my heart was hurting.

I did have heart problems, but this was different. It hurt in an emotion factor.

I was crying pretty loud and sitting on the cement floor was not comfortable. I had Jean shorts on and the floor was hard.

Then I heard a boys voice say "excuse me are you okay?" I wiped my tears and I looked up and I saw a boy.

He was tall with blue eyes, brown hair, and a worried look on his face. I said "no not really." He sat down next to me and he said "I'm having an awful day too."

I said "really ? Why." He said "I broke up with my girlfriend, she cheated on me, and actually she was the one that broke up with me, because she is having the other guys kid. I was so in love with her and she just left me."

I said "wow, I'm so sorry." He said "it's okay, tell me what happened to you." I said "well, I actually ran away from home because my dad is abusing me. He hits me and throws me around and calls me a whore, I just had enough."

He said "well I'm very sorry to hear that, you can stay with me if you want." I said "no it's okay, I don't want to cause any-". He cut me off and he said "no, no trouble you're coming home with me tonight."

I sniffled and I said "are you sure." He said "yeah, what's your name?" I said "Molly." He said "nice to meet you I'm Sodapop."

I said "cool name I like it." He smiled and he said "thanks, Molly is a cute name." I blushed a little and I turned my head.

I said "so uh, how old are you?" He said "I'm seventeen." I said "I'm sixteen." He said "are you still in school?" I said "no I dropped out."

He said "really so did I." I said "I don't miss it one bit." He said "I don't really miss it either." He smiled and I smiled back.

He said "let me close up shop and we can go home it's closing time, I saw you out here as I was about to flip the sign."

I said "oh okay yeah sure." He stood up and he held out a hand for me to grab and as I was standing up I cut my butt on a small piece of glass.

I said "ouch!" He looked at me worried and he said "what's wrong" I said "I think I cut myself on a piece of glass or something."

I turned around and I saw there was a small cut right on my butt and the small piece of glass stuck there.

Soda said "where did it cut you, you're back?" I said "actually on my butt." He said "oh uh, do you want me to help you...or-". I said "yeah let's just get it over with." 

He said "you can lay down in the back seat of my truck and I'll have my friend Steve drive your truck to my house." I said "okay thank you."

We got to his house in 15 minutes and it hurt to walk but I acted like it didn't. He said "when we walk in it should just be us, but if my gang is here don't be intimidated."

Sodapop's POV:

I looked at her and she was easily the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She was gorgeous and naturally gorgeous, unlike Sandy. Every time I looked at Molly I held back a blush. Oh boy was she beautiful.

She looked at me and smiled. She said "I'll be fine, no one is as scary as my dad."I said "okay let's go inside." We walked in and no one was home. She said "where is the bathroom, it's bleeding more." I said "let's go it's in this door."

We opened the bathroom door and I pulled out the first aid stuff. She stared at me and I wasn't sure if it was intentional but it felt like she was staring through my soul.

I got out the peroxide and some tissue. She said "I'll take the glass out." It was awkward looking at her butt so I looked away. She was able to get it out and she threw the piece of glass out. She started crying and she wiped a tear away. Even when she was crying she still looked pretty.

She said "okay, I'm ready to clean it out, can you help me I can't really see." I said "yeah, okay." I took some peroxide and put it in a cloth and I took a deep breath. She turned around and she said "let's just do it fast." I looked at her butt and I saw the small cut.

I took the cloth and gently started wiping her cut. I was respectful so I didn't stare but it was hard not to. She must be athletic she had a great body. Pretty hips and nice legs. I finished and she said "thank you." She turned around and I said "yeah it's no problem."

She said "can you put a band aid on it?" I said "uh yeah sure." I quickly put a band aid over it and she said "I appreciate it, is there anywhere I can lay down I'm exhausted." I said "yeah you can lay on the couch while I set up my room." She said "okay." We walked out of the bathroom and she laid on the couch and she fell asleep in 5 minutes.

I put a blanket over her and she looked so perfect.

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