chapter 32

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We all sat around the table just talking after having pizza. Well about 2 hours after having pizza, Evie and Steve left to do God knows what. The guys were still talking and I was tired so I got up and walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I walked into the bedroom Soda and I shared and I took off my pants and my shirt and as I was sliding my bra off Soda walked in and his eyes went a little wide at the sight of my boobs.

I quickly slipped on my short night gown Sylvia forced me to buy and I said "hi." He smiled and looked me up and down.

He said "hi baby." I said "let's go to bed I'm exhausted." He said "okay."

I crawled into bed as he took off his flannel and stripped down to his boxers. He laid in bed next to me and I ran my fingers down his toned chest. He groped my boob over my satin night gown and I accidentally let out a light moan.

He smiled and said "you like that?" I said "yeah do it again." He groped my boob again and he said "you like that baby." I held in a moan and I said "yeah, a lot."

He smiled and he started kissing me. It was sweet and gentle while he was doing something so inappropriate and naughty.

I moaned into the kiss and we kissed for about 10 more seconds before he pulled away. He motioned for me to cuddle. I got up really close to him and he wrapped his arm around me.

He played with my hair and he said "you're so beautiful." I said "thank you." He said "no problem baby." I said "can I talk to you about something for a second." He said "yeah spill."

I said "can you please not tell anyone about our sex life." He stopped playing with my hair and he said "yeah, but why." I said "because it's embarrassing." He said "why."

I rolled my eyes and I said "because it's our business." He said "okay fine if it's what you want." It was quiet for a couple of seconds and it was a little awkward.

He said "Molly, are you embarrassed of me?" I said "no Sodapop, why would I be, you're amazing." He said "thanks, but I was just wondering because Sandy would do the same thing to me and she never wanted me to tell anyone we were kissing."

I said "well, Sandy is a stuck up bitch, but if she would have been fingered by you, she wouldn't be embarrassed of you, I'm not embarrassed of you, I just get flustered when people talk about sex."

He kissed my neck and in a quiet tone he said "then I'll make sure to bring up sex all the time." I blushed a little and I said "no, please don't, I'll be all red and embarrassed." He said "there's no harm, we've never done it before."

I said "we can't talk about something we never did." As I felt myself drifting off, he said "I can talk about what I want to do to you."

And with that I fell asleep dreaming about naughty thoughts.


I woke up early around 5 am and I felt like I couldn't go back to sleep. I got up and brushed my teeth, and took a shower and got back into some pajama shorts. The pajama shorts had basically my ass hanging out of them, so I put my sweatshirt on to cover me.

I got back in bed and I felt sleepy and I eventually fell back asleep.

Around 2 hours later I woke up to the worst stomach ache and a wet clean smelling Soda kissing my forehead. He was in his boxers and he must have been fresh out of the shower with his wet hair.

He smiled and said "good morning baby." I groaned in response as he put on his jeans. He sat on the edge of the bed next to me and said "what's wrong baby?" I said "my tummy really hurts."

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