chapter 42

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Two Weeks Later....

When Soda and I came back from Arizona, we were all over each other. We would touch each other up in front of the gang. We would make out in front of them and we would give each other head in any public bathroom.

Last night I had gone out for dinner with Sylvia and I think it made my stomach sick. I woke up to having to rush to the bathroom to throw up. It was horrible. Soda helped me hold my hair back and he helped me wash up.

We determined I was coming down with a stomach flu since everything I ate came back up. It was scary for me and I was nervous. My stomach was was always very sensitive so I wasn't surprised.

The only reason I was concerned was the vomiting continued for another week and Soda was scared he got me pregnant but we hadn't had sex in a long time. We were just freaking each other out I'm sure of it.


My period was a week late but that happens to me a lot. I was growing more anxious by the days but the vomiting ceased and we realized we were just over thinking.

It was a little while since my period came though but I had heard that having sex can help your period come.

So Soda and I waited for some alone time and we had sweet romantic sex. I understand now the term making love. As cheesy and as gross as it sounds. I now get it. I could feel his love for me and how tender he was towards me.

This time however it was painful and I couldn't really get as wet. But I did eventually and I was able to cum.

He wore a condom of course, and he was so nervous that he even pulled out too.

I decided to go to the gynecologist to understand why my period was 2 weeks late and we did. I was nervous. What was going on with me.

We went to the gynecologist and I was shaking. I don't know why I was so scared. I visited the gynecologist a lot when I was younger because my mom was nervous when I was 13 and I still hadn't gotten my period and everyone else got their's at 10.

The doctor walked in and she said "you two again, power couple how's it going." I said " good. We're engaged now." She said "wow, congratulations." We said "thank you." At the same time and we all giggled.

The doctor said "so Molly are you two having unprotected sex?" I said "no, we used a condom every time." She said "hm okay, we are still going to run a pregnancy test on you because your symptoms are strong."

My heart dropped and I started sweating as she came back in the room with a cup. She said "go to the bathroom and pee in it for me and bring it to the front desk okay?" I said "yeah."

I did what I had to do and Soda and I waited. She walked back in the room 10 minutes later, and she said "congratulations you're pregnant." I felt like I was going to pass out and I said "what..I never had unprotected sex."

She said "sometimes the condoms rip, but either way, you are pregnant." I said "uh for how long have I been pregnant." She said "three weeks along hun."

I felt myself wash over with guilt. Three weeks ago I was fucking around with Brandy my ex when Soda and I were broken up.

I saw Soda get a little confused and the doctor said "come back in 6 weeks, we want to hear the heart beat okay honey?" I snapped out of my thoughts and I said "yes doctor." She left the room and Soda was quiet.

I said "um baby, we have to talk." He looked up at me disappointed and he said "yeah, this talk again for the second time." I said "I'm sorry Soda, we were broken up." He said "Molly, there is nothing to be sorry about, it happened and you're pregnant, there is nothing we can do about it."

He said "and besides it's my fault, if I never cheated, this never would have happened so I'm sorry." I said "it's okay baby, listen, I just wanted to tell you I think the father is Brandy, my ex."

I saw him want to start crying but he held it in and I knew he would let it out when we got home and I was right.

I felt terrible. I wasn't ready for a baby. I am struggling enough to help my mom and Sylvia and I can't support a baby right now. I don't have the time or money. Soda and I were in our room cuddling when the phone rang.

It was my step dad Rob. He said "hi honey, I think your mom is going to give birth tomorrow, think you can get he by morning?" I looked at the clock which said 3 pm. I said "yeah, probably early morning hours, okay see ya." He said "bye honey." He hung up the phone and I said "baby, I have to go back for my mom okay, she's gonna have the baby tomorrow we think."

Soda said "can I come?" I said "yes of course."

We hadn't told the gang yet that I was pregnant because Soda said they would be mad at me for the baby not being his and I appreciate his honesty.

The whole car ride Soda was super helpful. If I wanted water, I got it. Food, got it. Blanket, I got it. I remembered why I loved him so much. He is just my favorite person in the whole world.


It's about 2pm and it's just me, my mom, Soda, and Kaleigh at home. Rob went out to get some last minute hospital things for my mom and I knew she could pop that baby out any second and I was right.

Soda and I were watching TV on the couch when we heard my mom yell "help me!" from the kitchen. I got up and I saw my mom sitting against the refrigerator holding her stomach. I said "shit mom your water broke."

She said "I know baby, I really need your help, help me get upstairs, I can't stand up." I said "Soda come here, I need you're help!" He came over in ten seconds and he was easily able to carry my mom up the stairs since she was small and skinny herself.

We put her on the bed and I put her under the covers. I said "Soda I need you to call my step dad, his number is on the refrigerator, and stay out of her bedroom, I don't think she'll make it to the hospital in time."

Soda said "okay sure, let me know if you guys need help okay?" I said "okay yeah." He walked out and shut the door and my mom started shouting in pain. I felt like I was going to start crying. I knew she was okay, but I was nervous.

I pulled down her pants and underwear and she said "wait for Rob honey, I want him to be here for the baby." I put the covers back over her and I said "okay."

She yelped in pain again and in time Robert came through the door and closed it. He said "okay baby, you're gonna have to do this at home alright." My mom moaned in pain and Rob held her hand and said "alright honey you got this." My mom held his hand tightly and she yelled in pain.

I slowly lifted the covers and she was definitely ready to have this baby here and now. I said "okay mom, push." She started pushing and slowly I could see a head appearing. It was the coolest but grossest thing I had ever seen.

She yelled in pain and I said "okay mom I see a head, push again." She pushed again and this time harder. Now the whole neck and head were out. I said "okay mom, push again." She screamed in pain as the baby's shoulder's were starting to come out.

It looked very painful and I could see why my mom was yelling in pain. My mom pushed again and the baby' s stomach was now out. I could see the baby, and my mom pushed one last time and the baby was out and he started crying.

My step dad cut the ambilacle cord and my mom got cleaned up and I did too and she got dressed. I held the baby for her while she did and when she came out of her closet, I said "here he is mom."

She held him in her hands and she looked really happy. She smiled down at her new baby and my stomach churned, remembering I was pregnant right now at this time it was bad. I wish I could forget about it.

Then Soda walked in and he said "can I hold him?"  My mom said "yeah of course." My mom handed him the baby and I watched him hold the baby in his arms as the baby had his first giggle.

We all smiled and I said "Soda he likes you already." He smiled and said "I like him too." Looking at Soda holding a baby was sweet and innocent and made me realize that it could be him in a couple of months holding a baby, that was unfortunately not ours.

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