chapter 44

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I was taking a nap, a good nap. But with the gang around, you were lucky to get a nap over 2 hours.

I was sleeping well until I heard laugher and it scared me out of my sleep. I woke up startled and I sat up and I got out of bed.

I walked out of the bedroom and I saw Steve and Dally looking down at the couch and and Soda was blushing and rubbing the back of his neck.

I looked around and I said "hey I'm trying to nap you assholes." Soda said "they found our stain from last night."

I smiled and I said "it's technically not "our" stain...that's all you." He said "would you please explain to them I cleaned it up."

I said "guys, the only reason the spot is there is because we cleaned it so hard, so stop being pussies and sit on the couch."

Pony said "ew my sister is fucking my brother." I said "it's been happening for a while now, and plus I'm not actually your sister so don't make us sound like incest."

Everyone laughed and Dally and Steve sat down on the couch. Steve said "so you guys couldn't make it to the bedroom huh?"

I said "no I couldn't wait, look how beautiful and cute Soda is." I kissed him and he smiled and turned as red as a stop sign.

He put his hands around my waist and down to my ass and he looked into my eyes and he kissed me. Dally said "are you guys gonna start fucking now in front of everyone?"

I said "we could." Soda said "no, you're mine and only I get to see you undressed." I raised my eyes and I said "okay dad."

The door opened and Sylvia walked in with my brother. He looked Soda up and down and Soda took his hands off my butt.

Everyone said hi to my brother and Sylvia and my brother and Dallas got along really well so they started talking.

It pissed me off how my brother was still ignoring Soda but I didn't want to get into a fight with him and stress Sylvia.

I could tell Soda was uncomfortable when my brother was around and that killed me. I wanted them to be close because they are my two favorite guys in the world.

My brother got up and went into the kitchen to get something to drink and I saw Soda follow him inside.

I crept up to the entrance to the kitchen and sat behind the wall so I could hear what they were saying.

Soda said "I've had enough of you ignoring me, I' m your sister's fiance and I want to be respected."

My brother said "I tried to have respect for some low life gas station worker and the little piece of poor shit you are, but when you cheated on Molly, and she called me crying every fucking day, I lost all respect for you."

Soda said "well I might not have some nice job working for the government, but I now my worth, at least I didn't run off to the army and use that as a good excuse to get away from my dad abusing my sibling."

My brother said "you don't even know if that's the case." Soda said "your sister told me herself idiot." Then I heard a slap, which I assumed was given to Soda but was surprised to see my brother holding his nose in pain.

I walked in and I said "what's going on here?" My brother looked at Soda and back at me and he said "nothing, just making up with Soda." My brother stuck out his hand and Soda took it and shook it.

I said "no more fighting, stop it."  My brother said "or else?" I said "I'll kick you in the nuts."  He raised his eyebrows and said "yeah right." I caught him off guard and kicked him in his private area.

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