chapter 41

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I month later

Soda and I have been on edge every day for the last month. He has been working later and we haven't done anything sexual or romantic in a month.

He has been going to a lot of parties at Bucks and I've been hanging out with Dallas again. I'm not cheating or anything, it's just a friend.

Today a phone call came in and a girl said "Soda?" I said "who is this." She said "it's me Gracie, Sodapop's girlfriend?"

My heart dropped a little and I said "I'm his friend, where are you guys going?" She said "the hotel on First street at 7."

I said "okay good, I'll tell him." I hung up the phone before her response and I started crying. I couldn't believe he was cheating on me.

I knew the whole fight was kind of my fault because I was rude to him but I was sorry and I never even apologized. I felt like a piece of shit and I was just hurt.

I took the engagement ring off and I threw it in the trash and I wiped my tears away and I got ready and dressed to make a surprise appearance at this date.

I got ready and dressed and I sat in the Hotel lobby at 6:45.

I saw a girl. She was tall and she had brown hair and blue eyes. I walked up to her and I said "Gracie?" She said "hi yeah, who are you."

I said "you'll figure it out kinda soon."

She looked me up and down and said "okay."

She walked into the hotel restaurant and sat down at a table obviously creeped out by my presence and I could still see her from where I was standing.

I saw Soda walk in the hotel and into the restaurant. They were sitting at a four seat-er so I casually walked over and I sat next to Gracie and Soda's face fell.

I said "hi Soda how's it going." Gracie said "oh you again." I said "shut up." Soda said "how did you even know I was here."

I said "Gracie told me herself." He sighed and I saw his eyes water. I said "you're just a piece of shit, you're a horrible fiancé and I'm done with you!"

The whole restaurant was staring at us and murmuring.  I said "I'm breaking up with you."

I started walking out of the restaurant and I felt a hand grab me. Soda turned me around and he said "baby, I'm really sorry, please." I pushed him off me and he fell back a little. I said "I' m leaving, I never want to see you again."

He started crying and he said "baby-" I said " stop calling me that, I'm so done with you!" He starting sobbing in front of everyone at the hotel and I said "stop crying you're embarrassing the both of us."

He said "Molly let me talk to you please." I said "I have to go home and feed Cookie, stop pulling at my arm."

I pushed him away again and he ran behind my truck as I drove home.

When I got home he grabbed my hand and felt that there was no ring. He said "where is the ring?" I walked in the door and he followed me. I said "In the trash where it belongs."

He started crying harder and the whole gang was staring at us in shock.

I ran into our room and I saw Cookie asleep on the bed. We woke her up from all the yelling and I started packing my bag.

I was going home.

At this point Soda was screaming at me to stay and my bag was completely packed.

I was crying really hard and I was just really upset.

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