chapter 22

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I woke up from my nice, quiet, peaceful nap to loud and annoying yelling and someone kissing my fore head. It was Dally.

He said "wake up sleeping beauty." I sat up startled and I saw Soda and Steve laughing at me. I said "shut up, I needed a nap."

I sat up and the baby I was baby sitting started crying. I said "ugh you idiots woke her up and her mom is coming in five minutes, and what if she walks in and sees her baby crying, then what if she fires me and-"

Dally cut me off and said "calm down, just give the baby something to drink."

I have been a little emotional lately and moody because I started birth control. My mom is SO paranoid about me living with guys so she is making me take it.

I warmed up the milk and when I walked out I saw Soda laying on the couch holding the baby in his hands in the air and playing with her.

It was so cute and so sweet. I stopped staring and I walked over with the milk and I said "wanna feed her?"

Soda sat up right and he said "yeah sure." I sat next to him and he held the baby upright in his hands and I gave him the bottle.

He started feeding the baby and he said "look I made her stop crying."

I smiled and I said "yeah good job." He looked so happy with the baby in his hands and I smiled at the baby who was smiling at him.

I wiped her mouth with a little towel and I heard the door bell ring. I said "okay it's her mom."

Soda handed me the baby and I opened the door and I walked outside expecting to see a mom but instead a young dad.

A handsome young dad. The mother told me the parents were divorced and I completely forgot the dad was picking up today.

He looked at me and smiled and he paid me. He said "I'll pay you a little more if you let me take you for a spin."

I smiled and said "okay."

I got in his truck and he put the baby in the back. He looked me in the eyes and he smiled. He said "young and innocent aren't you."

I said "just a virgin not innocent." He took my face into his hands and he kissed me. Of course I kissed back.

He was a hot young 24 year old dad. He pulled me onto his lap and we started making out.

He was so hot and older and I think I got a little over confident since an older guy liked me.

He put his hands on my waist and he started sucking on my neck.

He left some hickeys and things were getting heated in the car and between us. Then the baby started crying and I realized what I was doing was extremely inappropriate.

I pulled away from the kiss and I said "I'm sorry, I can't I need my job and for the sake of keeping my job please don't tell."

He smiled and said "I won't sweetheart, I'll keep it between us." I smiled and said "okay thanks."

The baby stopped crying and I crawled back to my seat and I said "bye."

I hopped out of the truck and he smiled and waved bye and drove off.

I walked back in the house and Dally said "so did you just make out with that Dad?"

I said "why are you watching anyway." Pony said "you have hickeys on you."

I ran to the bathroom and I said "shit, I look like a slut." I started taking some make up and putting it on my neck.

I covered them up well and you would never even know they were there.

I walked out of the bathroom and I sat on the couch next to Soda and Dallas sat on the other side of me.

Steve said "you better hope he doesn't tell the mom because you'll be fired right away." I said "yeah thanks for reminding me it was just a kiss."

The night dragged on as they were all watching Mickey Mouse but I couldn't focus. All I could think about is Soda.

He's so cute and I really hope I didn't hurt his feelings by kissing that dad. It was such a stupid decision.

I walked into the kitchen to try and pass 5 minutes so I opened the fridge and got a coke and I sat on the counter and opened the bottle.

Then Soda walked in and my heart started beating faster.

He said "hey, uh do you wanna get out of here?" I said "yeah I'm kind of bored." He smiled and said "okay."

I got off the counter and we walked into the kitchen. Then Soda said "we're going to drive in." Dally said "just the two of you?"

I saw Soda fighting a smile which was adorable. He said "yes." Steve said "are you two gonna make out." I blushed and I said "Steve, shut up."

Soda and I walked out of the house and it was a little awkward but once we got in the truck we turned on the radio and we were making small talk.

Once we got to the drive in I paid for the first time instead of sneaking in and it felt good.

Soda and I got our seats and the night breeze made me a little chilly.  I crossed my arms because I didn't want to complain, but Soda read my mind.

He said "I bought you an extra flannel because I knew you'd be cold wearing that crop top."

He handed me a flannel and I smiled and I said "thanks, you're so sweet." He smiled and I was looking into his eyes as I put on the flannel and then our focus went to the start of the music for the movie.

The movie was a romance movie. Of course.

My heart was racing. I mean I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I was nervous.

About a half hour in I said "I'm going to go grab something to drink wanna come?" He got up and said "sure."

We walked up to the concession stand and I saw Dally with some girl. She was tall and she had brown hair and blue eyes. She was pretty.

I looked away and up at Soda who I just realized was much taller than me. I felt the pressure of him staring at me.

He said "are you okay, do you want to leave?" I said "no, I don't want to go it's fine." He smiled and he said "you're seeing Dally with a girl and you're not sad?"

I thought I would have been more emotional since I was on birth control. I thought I was going to go full hormonal crazy teen rage on this girl but I didn't.

I said "no, I like someone else now."

I got my blue berry ice slushy and I looked at him and smiled. He smiled too and I said "come on let's head back."

We sat back down in our seats and the movie was about an hour in. Soda and I both were drinking the slushy. I decided I would hold it since there were no cup holders out here.

We both reached for it at the same time and our hands touched and I smiled and I said "you can have it it's fine."

He said "no it's okay you can." I said "oh okay." I took a sip of it and then he took a sip too. We finished it and I put it on the floor.

When I sat back up Soda was staring at me and I looked at him and I said "you okay?" He laughed and said "yeah sorry."

I smiled and I said "It's okay." We were looking into each others eyes and we started moving closer and closer until someone from behind us yelled "BOO."

We jumped and looked behind us and saw Steve and Two. I rolled my eyes and I said "I almost peed on myself what the hell is wrong with you two."

Two was laughing so hard he could barely form a sentence. Steve said "we came here to see you guys fucking." I said "stop saying that, Soda and I are not having sex, so shut up you're so annoying!"

I looked around and the whole drive in was quiet and everyone was looking at us. Once my eyes met everyone else they looked away and back at the movie.

I sat back down in my seat next to Soda and the four of us started laughing. We were stupid kids just having fun, fuck what people thought.

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