chapter 18

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Today I was working at the DX instead of babysitting. I was nervous to work there because of my crush on Soda so I tried to babysit more often.

I got behind the register and Soda stood next to me. I held back a smile and I started getting stuff ready.

Steve walked in and he said "so how's it been between you and Dallas." I said "actually pretty good, we're closer again."

Soda said "why are you guys close again?" I said "because he is my friend, why can't I be close with my friends."

Steve said "so what kind of close are we talking about?" I said "don't worry about it." Steve said "come on tell me, pleaseeee."

I laughed and I rolled my eyes I said "we made out once but we agreed it was a mistake and we should just stay friends because we get along better as friends."

Soda said "so you guys are done flirting?" I said "yeah I guess so." He said "so I won't have to walk in you getting fingered ever again."

I blushed and I said "Soda!" Both him and Steve laughed and I said "okay guys enough."

Steve smiled and said "okay okay, I'll get back to the garage see you guys later."

He walked into the garage and I playfully slapped Soda on his arm. Then he smacked my ass.

I let out a gasp of shock and I felt myself blushing and there was no way I could hide it.

I said "what was that for." He said "if you smack me I smack you too."

I raised and eyebrow and I said "on the butt?" He smiled and said "why not it's fat enough anyway." I said "are you calling me fat?"

He said "wait what no why would I say that." I said"because you guys all keep saying I have a fat ass."

He said "no we're not calling you fat, you just have a nice ass, that's it." I said "oh okay."

Soda said "you're not fat Molly, you're strangely skinny for all the ice cream you like."

I laughed and I said "you like ice cream too." He said "even after all that ice cream you still have a nice body, a toned chest and nice hips"

I smiled and I said "Soda, stop looking at me like that." He was staring all over my body and I felt those butterflies again, and in places I shouldn't.

When work finished it was just Pony and I in the room Soda and I shared talking, basically whispering because everyone in this house is nosy.

I said "does Sodapop have a crush on me?" Pony said "I don't know why?" I said "I don't know he's been kinda flirty lately."

He said "really?" I said "yea, like today I playfully slapped him on the arm because he was laughing at something stupid and he smacked my ass."

He said "really, Soda didn't even act like that with Sandy." I said "I don't know, I think he might like me.I don't know maybe I'm just over thinking it."

Pony said "well he thinks you're hot so I don't see why he wouldn't like you back." I said "wait, what does he think I'm hot?"  He said "aw man, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone it slipped out please don't tell him I told you."

I said "no I won't oh my gosh Pony he likes me back!" I got off the bed and I started jumping up and down and I said "yes !"

I jumped in bed next to Pony and I kissed his cheek. I said "today is a good day." He laughed and he said "wow, I hope Cherry was like this with me."

I said "I'm sure she was, she was probably happy like me, oh gosh Pony I could explode."

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