chapter 48

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10 weeks later............

Today we are going to the doctor to hear the baby's heart beat and I'm excited.

I laid down in the medical chair and Soda said "are you excited?" I said "no, nervous this time, I hope we hear a heart beat."

He said "we will honey, don't worry."  I kissed him and I said "the baby will be happy to have a happy go lucky daddy."

He said "and it will be happy to have a hot mom." I laughed and I said "and a dilf of a dad." He laughed and blushed and the doctor walked in.

There was kind of an awkward tension and the doctor said "so are  you ready?" I said "yes?"

The doctor pulled my pants down to my waistline and he put some jelly on my stomach. He started doing the sonogram and 2 minutes passed and we heard a very audible heart beat.

Soda and I looked at each other and smiled. He said "wow, that's our baby." I smiled and said "yeah, a very good heart beat right doc?"

The doctor said "yea, your baby will be very healthy." I smiled and I said "great, I can't wait to have my baby."

Soda and I left the doctor and I was hungry. I said "can we get McDonald's?" Soda laughed and said "baby, we just had breakfast, you're still hungry?" I smiled and I said "pleaseeeeee."

He laughed and said "okay honey, let's go."

We got back to the apartment after our McDonald's and I laid in bed with Soda. He rubbed my stomach and he said "this is our future, us, our baby, a good life." I said "life is good with you in it."

He smiled and kissed my cheek and I snuggled into him more. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe and I know my baby did too.


4 Months along....................

Today Soda and I are going to the doctor to see the gender of our baby. I did not care what the gender was. As long as our baby is healthy.

We were doing the sonogram and Soda was holding my hand tight. The doctor said "congratulations, you're carrying a baby girl."

Soda held my hand tighter and smiled and said "we're going to have so much fun honey!" I smiled and I said "yeah, I'm excited."

The doctor wiped the jelly off me and we left the doctors.

Soda and I went to a baby furniture store. Soda and I found a cute light wood crib that I felt would look nice on the light tan carpet and against the light gray walls that we painted together on a sunny day.

Soda put the crib in the back of the car and we drove back to our apartment and set up the crib together. We were both hungry so we both had a little bit of impatience with each other.

With these pregnancy hormones I thought I wanted to either rip his dick off or rip his clothes off.

We finished the crib and we relaxed and ate our dinner together. School has been good, just a lot of writing and I like to write so I'm fine with it all.

Soda walked into the bedroom and he saw me writing in bed. He said "hi honey, want some company." I stopped writing and I looked up at him and I said "sure."

I put my papers on our desk and I sat next to him in bed. He motioned for me to cuddle him and I did. He was nice and warm and I liked the way his hands felt around me.

He said "all we have to do is buy the baby's clothes and diapers and it's all done. I said "yeah, we have to buy her food too." Soda grabbed my boobs and I said "ouch." He said "I didn't even squeeze them that hard."

I said "my nipples are so sensitive." He rubbed my chest and I said "stop you're turning me on." He said "that's the point."  I said "I'm not even near horny right now, I'm tired."

He stopped groping my boobs and he said "okay honey." I held his hands and I said "I am hungry though." He laughed into my neck and he said "for what?" I said "a burger." He said "I'll buy dinner tonight okay?"

I smiled and I said "okay, thank you baby." He said "of course."

8 Months along..........

My stomach was much bigger and so were my boobs. I couldn't believe they were so big because I was only having one girl, you would think I was having twins.

Soda and I are going to the doctor's today and we are going to see our baby one last time on the sonogram.

I am due in two weeks and I am excited to  push this baby out of me. I don't want to go on my period again, but I hate having a huge stomach and not wearing crop tops and small clothes in general.

The doctor said our baby was perfectly healthy and Soda and I were very happy and very excited.

We got a hospital bag ready and Soda was going over what we should do, what plan, and routes we should take to the hospital and it was sweet to see he really cares.

We decided to name our baby Madeline Anne Curtis. We thought it was cute and we knew she would be the cutest baby ever.

I laid out her clothes along with mine and I prepared long and hard to have our baby.

Soda walked into the nursery and sat with me while I folded baby clothes. He said "so did you decide if you're gonna breast feed?"

I sighed and I said "I really want to pump the milk honey." He said "but that's not natural." I said "you're just a freak and want an excuse to see my boobs every minute of the day."

He laughed and said "no, seriously, it is more natural to breast feed though, I don't think it sounds good that you don't want to naturally feed her."

I said "yeah, you're right, my mom did it for all four of us, so I'll do it too." He came over and wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled and I kissed him on the lips. He blushed a little and he kissed me again.

He picked me up and he plopped me on the bed. I said "my back is killing me from this baby." He said "want me to rub it for you?"

I smiled and I said "yeah please, that would really help."

He sat behind me and started rubbing my back and I said "it feels good baby, keep doing it." He massaged my back harder and it felt so good. I said "if I wasn't eight months pregnant, I would want you to rail me right now."

He laughed and said "we better not hurt our baby, we worked so hard to keep her safe." I said "yeah, I can't wait for Madeline to come into the world honey."

He said "me too." He slid his arms around my stomach and rubbed it. He stood up and sat in front of me and rested his head on my stomach.

Don't forget about Cookie. I heard her paws quickly approaching as she jumped up in bed and by Soda and I's side. Soda rubbed my stomach and he said "hi Maddie, it's daddy, I love you."

The baby kicked and Soda and I smiled. I said "she hears you, say something again." Soda said "mommy and daddy love you, we can't wait to meet you."

The baby kicked once again and Cookie licked my stomach. I said "she's ready, she'll be out soon."

Soda said "I'm more ready than I imagined." I said "me too, I was nervous, but we have all summer to be with her, it's may now, so June 7 is her approximate birthday, so we have a lot of free time to spend with her."

Soda said "true, and plus you don't go back to school til September." I said "yup, I'm excited to bring Maddie to school with me some days."

Soda said "she'll be beautiful and smart like her mom." I said "and charming like her daddy." He kissed me and I was so happy he was the father of my daughter. I wouldn't want to be a parent with anyone else.

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