chapter 5

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I picked Ponyboy up from school and we got lunch.He was so excited to be with me because apparently I was the "new hot girl in town."

We went to the Curtis house and I said "okay I heard you need some help with girls."

He said "what, who told you that." I said "your brother."

He smiled and rolled his eyes. I said "so have you had sex yet?"

He said "no, no way that's gross." I said "once you see a girl naked you won't think it's gross."

He laughed and he said "okay, how do you have sex." I said "oh well I don't really know if I should be telling you this stuff."

Then as I said that Sodapop walked through the door. I said "thank god." Soda smiled and said "hi guys what's up."

I said "I'm doing girls 101 with your 14 year old brother and I'm trying to explain to him what sex is."

Soda smiled and he said "oh so you're giving him the talk." I said "no, just sex talk that's it." Soda laughed and said "so tell him what sex is."

I said "uh, is..well, sex is when you know.." Soda said "you okay over there ?" I said "well it's hard to explain."

Ponyboy said "just tell me." I said "fine it's when you put your penis in another girls vagina and it feels good okay?"

Soda laughed and I playfully said "shut up." Pony sat there with a little blush on his face.

I said "a lot of people in high school do it, it's not a big deal or anything just don't get the girl pregnant."

He said "how do you get a girl pregnant." I said "cum inside her."

Soda said "woah, okay that's enough." I said "what don't act like you haven't thought about this shit before."

I said "if you ever save sex, wear a condom, do not get her pregnant if you do, you'll regret it."

Ponyboy said "well how do you know if you want to have sex with someone." Steve walked in and he said "when she has a fat ass."

I laughed and I said "no that's not how it works, usually when two people who find each other attractive or two attractive people are drawn to each other and they get horny and they have sex."

Steve said "trust me when you see a girl naked, you'll want it." I said "see I told you." Ponyboy said "so how do you meet girls."

I said "go to parties." He said "what do you do at parties?"  I said "make out, drink, have sex."

He said "how do you kiss a girl." Soda said "you never had your first kiss?" He said "no."

I said "I'll help you, come here." He came closer to me and I took his chin into my hands and I kissed him on the lips and he said "wow."

I laughed and Soda said "well now Pony you've had your first kiss." He smiled and blushed I said "didn't it feel good."

He said "uh yeah I guess so." Steve said "maybe I can try it out." I said "no, I'm getting you with that girl you wanted and it's final."

He laughed and he said "okay, do you want to meet her today?" I said "yeah sure."

Soda said "there is a party at Bucks maybe she will be there tonight."

We all agreed to go to Bucks and I said "Pony, lose your virginity tonight, for me."

Soda said "woah, maybe not." I said "come on, let him get some pussy."

Steve and I laughed but Soda seemed uncomfortable. I could tell he was conservative.

Ponyboy said "maybe I'll see if I can find a girl."

I said "I'm just pushing your buttons, but maybe take things slow since your only 14."

He said "how do you make out with a girl ?" I said "I think you just want me to kiss you again."

I raised an eyebrow and he said " I ju-" I cut him off and I said "Steve come here."

Steve sat in front of me and I said "this is your ONE time option." He said "I'm afraid if I kiss you I'll get attached maybe you should kiss Sodapop."

I looked over at Soda who got tense and nervous in 5 seconds. I said "Soda come here."

Steve stood up and sat back down on the couch.

Soda sat on the floor next to me and he said "so are we gonna, like know..just a kiss right."

I laughed and I said "yes Soda, don't make is awkward this is for Ponyboy to learn how to make out."

I said "okay Ponyboy watch and learn."

I looked Soda in the eyes and I saw him get more nervous. I said "let's just get this over with before you have a nervous breakdown." He smiled.

I closed my eyes and connected lips with him. He started kissing me back and I deepened the kiss. He was a good kisser.

I could tell he was enjoying the kiss because he seemed relaxed. Steve said "uh are you two gonna pull away?"

I pulled away and I looked at Pony and I said "see, that's how you do it." He smiled and I saw him smirk at Soda.

Pony said "thanks Molly, I'll be a great kisser because of you." I laughed and I said "okay I'm glad I could teach you how."

I got up and I said "follow me I wanna show you something."

We went into the room Soda and I shared and I pulled out those condoms I bought at the store.

I said "here take some you never know what might happen and you should always be prepared, okay?"

He smiled and said "great."

We all got ready to go to this party and Ponyboy said "thanks for everything Molly you're gonna be a great sister to me."

He hugged me and I was shocked. I hugged him back and I said "go get ''em kid."

He smiled and said "I'll try."

Ponyboy got in the car with Steve and I waited for Soda to put on his shoes.

Soda said "thanks for helping me with Pony. I can't talk to him like this because I'm so busy with work."

I said "it's not a problem he is a good kid."

Soda smiled and said "okay let's go."

Off we went to Bucks.

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