chapter 8

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The next day after my shower around 12:30. I overslept and it felt great.  I was getting dressed and I heard the door try to open but I locked it. I said "who is it." Then I heard a voice say "your boyfriend." Dallas.

I rolled my eyes and I said "I'm almost done getting dressed." He said "don't get dressed." I laughed and I walked out of the bathroom and unlocked it.

I said "hi." He looked me up and down and he said "hi." Something about him was turning me on today I 'm not sure what.

He said "are you okay after last night?" I said "yeah, I guess so." He said "I would be pissed." It was just us in the house and we walked to the couch.

I said "it's okay, he said he was sorry and he seemed sincerely sorry." He said "yeah he told us you seemed upset and he wanted to make me get him back on your 'good side'."

I said "that sounds so middle school." He said "but he is really upset he feels bad." I said "I really don't care."

He said "good." I looked Dally in the eyes and he was just looking so hot today. What the hell.

I started staring at him again, and he said "uh Molly." I woke up from my little trans and I said "yeah?"

He said "you're so hot." I smiled and I said "I know."

I took his chin and pulled him closer to me and started kissing him, and he was the most intense kisser. He was so touchy and so sexual. I never felt any kind of sexual way about anyone before.

For the first time I knew what it felt like to be turned on. I was getting butterflies and my private areas were tingling.

He grabbed my waist and he started kissing my neck which tickled, so I laughed. He pulled away from the kiss and he smiled.

He still had his hands on my hips as the door swung open. I saw Sodapop and Bella.

I rolled my eyes and I said "let's go."

Dallas and I got up and we left the house. I said "let's go to the mall." He said "ew no I hate the mall."  I said "if you want to get with me you have to do what I say."

He said "fine but not for long." I said "never mind we can go to the lake instead." He rolled his eyes and he muttered under his breath. He said "you're so indecisive." I said "I know."

He said "why did we have to leave the Curtis house, I thought you liked Bella." I said "yeah I do, I'm just mad at Soda, why would I not like Bella."

He said "because most of the girls around here fall for Soda." I said "well I'm not most girls and I am annoyed with him, remember."

He said "I know you guys will date eventually I know it." I said "I think you're wrong." He smirked and he said "you think you know it all."

My heart dropped a little when he said that. My parents used to say that all the time and it was when I was being bratty. I don't know exactly why when I heard that I overthought  everything I had said.

We got to the lake and we sat on a bench. I said "let's continue where we left off." He smiled and said "okay."

He took me by my neck and he let go once we started kissing. He was rough. My neck kind of hurt but I ignored it. My hands went around his waist and I pushed him down on the bench.

We started making out and both of us were letting out little moans. He touched me up and he felt nice and cool against my warm body.

We pulled away for air and he said "you're real cute." I smiled and I got off his lap and sat next to him.

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