chapter 30

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We were at the party and I had a lot to drink. Sylvia and I were off drinking and smoking whatever drug we could and we were having a good time

I was drunk but I felt it coming down slowly. I was aware that the night was ending soon but Soda wanted it to end sooner when he came over and smacked my ass.

I turned around and I smiled and I said "yeah baby?" He said "wanna get out of here, go somewhere more private?" Sylvia looked at me and shook her head yes. I said "uh yeah let's go."

Soda and I had to walk because the gang needed the car to leave later. We got to the park and I said "let's go look at the stars really fast." He said "okay."

We stopped and looked up at the stars and a cool breeze went by. It was getting chilly because it was around 11 pm. That nice spring breeze, soon to be summer. I said "it's a little chilly out here." He smiled and looked at me and said "I can tell."

He looked at my boobs and my nipples were hard from the cold. I covered them with my hands and I said "stop looking!!"

He laughed and picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way home.

He plopped me on the bed and hovered over me. He smiled and said "you're so hot." I laughed and he started kissing me. I held his face in my hands and he kissed me so passionately. It was one of the best kisses we ever had.

He started kissing my jaw line and down my neck. He was leaving hickies while I was playing with his hair.

He pulled away from my neck and we went back to kissing. He unzipped the chest zipper and pulled my leotard down to my belly button. He observed my boobs and he said "fuck Molly, you're so perfect."

I smiled and I quietly said "thank you." He started sucking on my nipples and I moaned and he massaged my other boob with his free hand. He moved on to the other nipple and massaged the boob he was just sucking.

The pleasure felt great, I don't know why I pushed him off the other week. This was great.

He pulled away from my boobs and he took off his shirt and I smiled as I looked at his toned chest. I ran my fingers along his chest and he smiled.

He pulled down my leotard and draped it over the chair. He said "is this okay?" I said "yeah I'm all good." He pulled down my underwear and my heart started racing.

I he spread my legs and he sat between them. He licked two fingers and started rubbing my clit. I felt myself blush as I looked down at him rubbing me.

He said "does it feel good baby?" I said "yeah baby, it feels really good." He said "if you want me to stop just say something." I said "okay, thanks baby."

He looked up at me and smiled. He took his two fingers and stuck them inside me. It felt so good and I moaned.

His long fingers going in and out of me made me hornier every second. I moaned more and more as he started going in and out at a faster pace. I felt close to cumming but he pulled his fingers out.

I said "babe, finish." He said "beg for it." I smiled and said "Soda please I want you." He put his fingers back in and I moaned. He rubbed my clit with his other free hand and I felt myself getting closer and closer to cumming.

I arched my back and held onto the sheets tighter and I said "fuck baby I'm gonna cum." He said "do it, do it for me baby."

I moaned a lot and I felt that familiar feeling of myself cumming.

When I finished my orgasm I tried to catch my breath and I laid back down in bed. I looked at Soda who pulled his fingers out of me and sucked them clean. I blushed and I smiled and sat up and looked up at him.

I said "want me to fix your boner?" He smiled and said "okay." I crawled over to him and I pulled down his sweatpants and his underwear. He kicked it off and I sat next to him on the edge of the bed.

I wrapped my hand around his dick and I started at a slow pace. He sat back more on the bed and his hands were behind him as I jerked him off.

His dick was throbbing and I could tell he was going to orgasm fast. His dick wasn't as big as Dally's but I was fine with that. Too big meant I would choke on it.

His dick was veiny and every time I would jerk him faster he would gyrate his hips forward. He said "fuck baby, you're so good at this." I said "thanks."

I looked him in his eyes as he met mine. He looked so horny it was scary. But he also looked nervous since this was his first time. I leaned in to kiss him and he kissed back. He grabbed my boob and started groping it and he groaned into the kiss.

He pulled away from the kiss and he said "fuck Molly I'm gonna cum." I smirked and said "go ahead." I jerked him off faster and faster and he came in my hands.

I looked him in the eyes as I licked my hand clean. I said "It tastes good baby." He smiled and said "you taste good too." I smiled and I kissed him on the cheek.

He put his underwear back on and I slipped on one of the night gowns I bought. Soda looked me up and down and he said "wear that every night, please." I smiled and giggled. I said "yes baby."

I got under the covers and he pulled me into his warm embrace. I held his arms against my chest and I said "goodnight baby." He said "goodnight Molly."

Then we fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next day, it was a little awkward between Soda and I but it was nothing too bad. I was up before him and I was just chilling on the couch in my sweatpants and a bra.

I was more comfortable around the house now since everyone was practically like family. Especially since they knew that I was Soda's girl and no one could look at me any which way.

He walked out of the bathroom with wet hair shirtless in jeans. He smiled and said "hi baby."

I looked at the wall and back at him and I smiled and I said "hey."

He sat next to me on the couch and swung my legs over and laid on top of me. I put my legs around his waist and he started planting kisses all over my face and down my neck as I giggled when it tickled.

He said "look at my ticklish little baby." I smiled and I said "yeah, very." He ticketed my side and I said "Soda, stop!"

He started attacking me with tickles until I was on the floor laughing and he was smiling down at me.

I laughed and caught my breath and he helped me get up.

He smacked my ass when I got up and he said "what ever happened to wearing a shirt."

I said "I don't need a shirt." He said "yes you are going to wear one because I don't want the guys looking at you any which way."

I said "okay fine dad." We walked into our bedroom and I said "wait, why do you get to roam shirtless but I can't."

He said "because I don't have boobs." I rolled my eyes and I said "fine."

I slid a crop top on over my bra and I said "better now?" He said "I'm sad about it, but at least I know no one will be checking you out."

I smiled and I kissed his cheek. He said "I'm hungry." I said "what do you want to eat." He said "I don't know make me something."

I said "no I'm not your maid." I crossed my arms and he sighed and said "pleaseeeeee." I looked up at his sweet innocent face and I said "okay fine."

He said "I want pancakes." I said "I'm not making them, I'll buy it for you though." He said "okay sure, as long as you're buying."

I laughed and I said "okay baby, put a flannel on first."

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