chapter 19

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It was a Friday night and no one was home. They all had said that they were going to a drive in but I already agreed to hang out with Sylvia.

I got in and locked the door and I went to the kitchen and opened a beer. I opened the bedroom door and screamed.

I saw Soda laying in bed. I said "shit you scared me." Then I saw his hand move under the sheets from his crotch area and he looked caught off guard.

He said "yeah you scared me too." I smirked and I said "Soda what were you doing?" He said "nothing, why." I said "you look all nervous and red in the face."

He said "I'm not nervous, I didn't do anything." I said "I have a brother, I know what you were doing." He blushed and he said "don't tell anyone."

I said "so you skipped the drive in to jerk off?" He said "Molly, stop teasing." I said "just karma for telling Steve you walked in on Dally and I."

I took off my clothes and changed into a sweatshirt. It was a small light one that you get you know when you go on vacation and you get those crew necks with the place you went on it in the front, one of those.

I laid in bed next to him and I yawned. He said "Molly did you do drugs tonight?"  I said "ugh you sound like my dad." Soda laughed and he said "did you do it Molly yes or no." I said "maybe."

He said "maybe you should stop hanging out with Sylvia, I mean every time you hang out with her you always make a bad decision." I said "who are you to pick and choose my friends."

He said "don't get mad at me, I'm trying to help you." I said "you're not helping, okay stop, drugs make me happier-" He cut me off and he said "are you fucking stupid, drugs almost killed you."

I turned over and I sat up and I said "I'm not the stupid one." I felt my voice raise and I said "I'm not the one who dropped out of high school freshman year, I'm the smart one not you!"

Soda said "well at least I don't need a high school diploma to know what's good and bad for me and how to make good decisions."

I looked away from him and down at my hands because I knew he was right. I quietly said "sorry, you're not stupid." He said "it's okay." I felt a tear roll down my cheek and he wiped it off.

I crawled over and laid right next to him. I had my head in his neck and he pulled the sheets up over us. I held his hand and I said "I don't know I feel like I'm failing." Soda said "failing what?" I said "life."

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