chapter 26

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I woke up around 8:30 and I got up and brushed my teeth and I thought I was going to fall asleep with every move I made.

Soda walked in as I felt my eyes closing and I woke up to the sound of the door closing. I shot my head around and  he said "you okay?" I said "yeah."

I yawned and he started brushing his teeth. I sat on the toilet next to him and I rested my head in my hand.

When he finished brushing his teeth he said "why don't we just lay down for a little longer you're still sleepy."

I said "okay." I was up all night worried about Kaleigh. I didn't mean to overreact like that and yell at her. But I definitely wasn't going to let her get away with the comment she made about Dad and I.

Soda and I went back to my room and he took off his shirt and his pajama pants and got in bed. I took off my shirt and my shorts and I got in bed next to him.

I had my back to him and his arm was around me. He said "don't worry, I know Kaleigh will forgive you, she's only 4, she can't hate you."

I said "I know, but I don't know, I mean I shouldn't have yelled at her."  He said "it's okay we all make mistakes." I smiled and I held his hand.

I said "I really like you, so much." He chuckled and he said "I really like you too." He pulled me into him more and I could feel my butt in his lap.

He wrapped his arms around me tighter. All I could think about was how nice and warm he feels around me. He was like a big mush. I could cuddle with him all day.

He played with my hair and I played with his fingers as we laid in each others embrace.

As I felt myself about to drift off I felt him poke my butt. I laughed and I said "what?" Soda said "I didn't say anything."

I said "stop poking my butt." He poked it again. I said "Soda, stop." He said "uh Molly, I'm not tapping your but."

I said "wait..oh."I felt myself blush and I giggled. He said "sorry, your butt is on it, it was going to get hard eventually."

I laughed and I said "stop making excuses for your boner, you're just horny." He smiled into my neck and kissed it. His kisses tickled my neck and I laughed. Then he started licking my neck which made me giggle and squirm around.

I accidentally back up into him and he groaned. I said "ew!" I sat up and he said "I'm sorry, come lay back down, you were keeping me warm." I slowly laid down next to him and he felt nice and warm.

He wrapped his arms around me and I held them close. I really loved Soda a lot and I wanted to tell him but we haven't even been dating for more than a month, and we technically aren't even dating because he never asked me to be his girl.

11 AM

Soda and I finished eating breakfast in my room and we went downstairs and I saw Kaleigh watching Barbie. She turned her head and looked at us. I said "hi wanna talk." She said "okay."

She crawled off the couch and I took her hand and walked her outside.

I sat down against the door and she sat next to me. In a cute innocent voice, she said "I'm sorry."I looked into her cute little blue eyes and I said "it's okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you." She said "that's okay Molly."

She walked over and sat in my lap and hugged me. He little arms barely fit around me and she still smelled like baby powder. Maybe I'll just always associate her with that scent.

I held her tight and I said "let's go back inside it's hot out here." I picked her up and put her on my shoulders and opened the door and walked inside.

Soda was sitting on the couch watching Barbie and laughing. I said "uh Soda are you okay? " He said " Hey don't judge me you know Barbie is a good show." I said "Yeah it is good." I put Kaleigh back down on the floor and she crawled up on the couch and sat next to Soda.

He looked at me and smiled and I said "Kaleigh can I lay next to Soda." She said "oh yeah I forgot you want to sit next to your boyfriend." She started mocking us and making kissing noises and I picked her up and I sat next to Soda and I put her down on his lap.

Soda put his arm around me and he looked at the TV and back at me. He said "Molly." I turned and looked at him and I said "yes Sodapop." He smiled and he bit his lip and I saw him get nervous.

He said "Molly, will you be my girlfriend." I smiled and I looked into his blue eyes and I said "yeah, will you be my boyfriend." He said "yes I promise." I looked at his lips and he looked at mine as we leaned in and kissed each other.

Kaleigh said "ewwww!" Soda and I pulled away and laughed. I kissed Kaleigh on the lips and she said "ew I have the cooties!!!" I laughed as she wiped her tongue with her shirt and she went to stand up but instead she stood right on Soda's crotch and jumped off the couch.

I gasped as Soda held his package and said "ouch!" Kaleigh laughed and she said "sorry." She ran off into the kitchen and I looked at Soda and I said "are you okay." I tried to hold back laughter and he said "yeah, it's all good."

He grabbed the waistline of his sweatpants and underwear and looked inside and he said "it looks okay." The only thing I saw were his pubes but that was it.

I blushed and I smiled. I got those butterflies again. But the different kind. The kind I got when I was horny.

I looked at him and he adjusted his sweatpants back to normal and he caught me staring. He said "Molly, if you want to see it just ask." I rolled my eyes and acted uninterested as I said "ew Soda come on."

He adjusted himself which just made me more horny. I said "I know what you're doing." He said "what, my junk wasn't sitting right." I laughed I kissed his neck and I said "you're so cute baby."

Kaleigh came out of the kitchen with some cookies and sat on the floor in front of us with my mom's dog occasionally trying to eat one of Kaleigh's cookies but she pushed him away.

I looked at her, so sweet and innocent. I watched as her eyes danced across the TV screen and she was so entertained.

I miss being 4.

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