chapter 7

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It's Thursday night. The day before Steve's date. I was talking to him and preparing him for some things that girls like and things they like to be told etc.

Then the door swung open and Soda stood there at the door and another girl came in behind him. She had brown hair and blue eyes and I recognized her as the girl from the party.

He said "guys this is Bella." She smiled and she said "hi guys."

The gang all said hi and we introduced ourselves to her.

I could tell she was nervous but it wasn't anything too bad. I was nervous when I met them all too.

Bella sat next to me on the couch and Soda sat on the other side of her. She said to me "are you from around here?" I said "I'm from Arizona, but I ran away from home."

She said "oh really, what is Arizona like?" I said "a lot of desert and heat." She said "do you see a lot of stars?" I said "yeah the view is beautiful."

After a while of getting to meet Bella, she was really nice and I enjoyed talking with her. I was happy Soda got a girl from the party

I walked out side with Ponyboy and we sat on the roof and looked up at the sunset. He said "it's so beautiful today." I said "yeah right , the beautiful hues of pink and yellow."

He said "I really like that girl I kissed at the party." I said "really?" He said "yeah, her name is Cherry, she is a rich girl, but she's nice to me."

I looked at him and I said "Pony, money doesn't matter, it's how you truly feel about a person." He smiled and he said "yeah I guess you're right."

I said "never let anyone's status phase you or make you not want to talk to a girl, I like you and you're not rich. You like me and I'm not rich."

He said "in this town, its greasers vs soc, rich kids from the west side are socs, and us greasers live on the rougher side of town."

I said "so what, fuck Socs, we know how to have a good time." He laughed and he said "yeah, we definitely know how to let loose."

I said "let's go out and get some ice cream, maybe we will run into her."He said "I know where she goes to get it too, let's go on my bikes."

We got down from the roof and we hopped on some bikes and we drove off.

He told me the directions to the ice cream shop as we drove along. The more we traveled the neighborhood got nicer.

It was not the Soc side because I have been through there on my way to this neighborhood but it must have been in the middle.

We pulled into a parking lot and Pony and I parked the bikes. The sun was almost gone and the sky looked beautiful.

Pony said "you ready?"I said "yeah let's go find her."

We walked into the ice cream store and sure enough I saw a girl about two years younger than me sitting in a booth eating ice cream by herself.

We walked up to her and I looked at her up close. She was pretty. She had beautiful green eyes and red hair that seemed to be turning brown.

She smiled at Pony and he sat down next to her and I sat across from them. I said "hey I am Molly, Cherry right?"

She smiled and I saw her examine my face. It was weird but I guess she thought it was weird I knew her name.

She said "yeah nice to meet you."I said "nice meeting you too." I said "I heard you two have been all over each other."

Pony and Cherry both blushed and Cherry said "yeah Ponyboy is real sweet, and a good kisser." I said "good, I'm glad to hear." I smirked at Pony and he chuckled.

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