chapter 4

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I woke up to someone talking in the room. I stretched and I sat up. It was Sodapop talking to Steve. They were standing by the edge of the bed.

They looked over at me and Steve said "hey sleepyhead, miss me?" I laughed and I said "in your dreams." Soda laughed and I said "where are you guys going?" Soda said "to work, you'll be okay.I wrote down directions to places you might wanna go during the day." I said "okay thanks."

Steve said "see ya later." I said "bye guys." They left and it was just me in the house.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took shower. I got dressed and I went down to the grocery store and I got some of my favorite snacks and girl stuff, like pads and tampons. My period ended two days ago, but I always like to be prepared.  I bought the stuff and left.

I went to a small clothing store and bought a new pair of high top sneakers.

Everything here was cheap.

Then I went to a pharmacy and I decided to buy the stuff my parents would never let me buy. Candies, the frozen pizzas, and condoms. I always wanted them. I just wanted to have it just in case.

When I was driving home I decided to stop by the DX and pick up Steve and Soda since Darry would be working late tonight. As I pulled up they were just starting their walk back. I honked the horn and they got in.

Soda sat up front next to me and I said "hey guys." They said "hi." Steve said "what did you buy?" He started going through a bag and I said "stuff." He said "woah condoms." I said "Steve put the bag down."

Steve said "Soda I told you she was gonna seduce you."

I blushed and I said "no I'm not, stop distracting me from driving, and why are you guys talking about me anyways?" Soda said "all good things." Steve said "and you're hot." I laughed and said "stop, seriously you two are the funniest."

Soda said "Steve you have a girlfriend." He said "no, I'm talking to someone." I said "who, I love romance." He said "a girl named Evie." I said "please let me help, is she friendly?" He said "yeah she is a nice girl." I said "okay good, I'll help you out."

He said "great thanks Molly." I said "yeah no problem."

We got back to the Curtis house and some of the gang was over. Steve, Dallas, Sodapop and Two Bit. I sat on the couch next to Dallas. He put his arm around me and he said "hey beautiful." I smiled and I said "hi."

He said "what would you do if I kissed you." I said "throw up." I pushed him off me and the rest of the gang laughed.

After 20 minutes in counting of arguing over a game to play we picked truth or dare. First to go was me. No shocker I'm the new girl.

Dallas said "truth or dare."I said "dare." He said "kiss me." I rolled my eyes and I said "let's get this over with please." I stood up and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and he smiled. Steve said "Dallas don't fuck her with your eyes."

I said "thank you."

I said "okay your turn." Steve said "truth." I said "are you a virgin?" He said "nope." We all cheered and it was Sodapop's turn. Dallas said "truth or dare." Soda said "truth." Dallas said "are you a virgin?"

Soda looked embarrassed and he ran his fingers through his hair and he said "yeah." Dally and Steve laughed.

I felt bad for him so I said "so, I am too." Dally said "I can change that." I said "no, it's okay." Soda said "stop with the dirty jokes Dallas okay, she just got here."

Dallas said "don't tell me what to do pretty boy." I said "guys stop, please this is why I ran away from home, no fighting."

The two of them glared at each other and they calmed down.

Steve said "are we still playing?" Dally said "no, I'm getting out of here." He got up and walked through the door and slammed it shut which made me startled.

I said "sorry I didn't mean to piss him off." Soda said "it's okay, whenever he can't get a pretty girl to like him back, he gets pissed off because he thinks he's so perfect." 

Did he just call me pretty?

Steve said "I wouldn't worry about him, he's a bad influence."

Two Bit said "unlike me I'm a great influence." I laughed and I said "yeah I'm sure, a great influence, drinking beer and eating cake for dinner."

He said "you know you like beer and cake." I said "I don't like cake, but I'll take the beer."

Steve said "exactly, that's the kind of girl we need." I smiled.

Some time passed and I was getting sleepy. I was laying on the couch and Pony and Johnny came through the door.

Soda was next to me on the couch and he said "hey guys where were you guys it's 9:30."

Pony said "sorry we were watching the sunset and we started looking up at the stars."

I said "I love sunsets, was it a nice one?" Steve said "oh boy here we go."

Pony said "wanna see some pictures of sunsets I took." I said "yeah, show me."

We went into his room and he showed me some old pictures of sunsets. My mom loved sunsets. I wish she had taken me with her when she left dad.

I said "wow Ponyboy these are beautiful, they brought back really good memories for me, thank you."

He said "yeah no problem you can look at them whenever you want." 

Time must have flown by because Soda said "hey it's 10:30 Pony it's time for bed." Pony said "I'll see you tomorrow after school." I said "okay good night Pony."

He got up and went into Darry's room and Soda said "glad to see he is getting along with you."

I laughed and I said "he's so cute." He said "yeah he's sweet, I'm just surprised he is getting sling with a girl so well, usually they make him nervous."

I said "I'll help him with girls." Soda said "really, he'd like that." I said "what about you?"

He said "what?" I said "how are you with girls." He said "I'm shy they're not." I laughed and I said "it's okay to be shy."

He smiled and he said "yeah I guess so." I said "let's go to bed I'm exhausted." He said "me too."

I took off my shorts and my bra under my shirt and I saw Soda staring at me from the corner of my eye.

I ignored it and I got in bed. 

He got in shirtless in his underwear and I looked away from him. I laid down and got under the covers.

He said "how is your cut?" I laughed and I said "my butt is still sore, but it's better now." He chuckled and said "good."

I said "good night." He said "good night Molly." He turned the night light off and we went to bed.

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