chapter 14

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It's been about a week since I told Ponyboy about my new crush. He would tease me about it all the time in private. He was something else. He really knew how to make me laugh.

It was a Friday night and I came back home a little high. I made a new friend Sylvia and we have been hanging out a lot recently. Every time we hang out we either get high, drunk, or both.

I was pretty good at covering up when I was high so it was no problem.  I sat on the couch in between Soda and Steve.

Steve said "hey I feel like I only see you at work now." I laughed and I said "well you're with Evie a lot." He said "yeah but we miss you around here." I said "you just miss me for chocolate cake."

He said "bull shit, I miss you seriously." I said "okay Stevie." Soda said "I'm going to make dinner wanna come with me?" I smiled and I said "sure."

Ever since I was finally able to admit to myself that I had a crush on Sodapop, I have been really nervous around him. I just don't want to do or say anything weird.

I walked into the kitchen and he said "so what do you want to eat?" I said "whatever you want." He said "mac and cheese." I said "that's fine."

We started cooking and he said "so how's it been we haven't talked in a while." I said "good, what about you." He said "I'm okay, have you spoken to your dad since we left." I said "yeah I called him a couple days ago."

He said "good, what about Kaleigh." I said "yeah, I talk to her every morning." He smiled and said "she is adorable." I said "yeah she is really cute."

He said "when are we going to go back and visit?" I said "anytime you want." He smiled and said "cool." I watched him take some pasta and drain the hot water and I could see how veiny his arms and hands were. It was hot.

I guess I was over staring because he said "hello, Molly." I looked up from his hands and I felt myself starting to turn red but I fought it off to the best of my ability because I didn't want to embarrass myself.

Soda said "you can go inside and relax if you want I'm almost finished." I said "okay thanks."

I am guessing the guys already ate because they were already on their chocolate cake phase of the night. Then the door opened and Dallas came in with a girl.

She was really pretty and it just made me upset. He said "guys this is Melissa." She smiled and waved at the boys and they barely paid attention to her but they were nice.

I knew if she was really pretty she would have caught  their eye but maybe I was just jealous. I don't know.

She looked at me and said "hi what's your name?" I said "Molly." She sat next to me on the couch and Dally sat on the other side of her.

She said "are you from around here." I shortly said "no." I got up and I went into the kitchen and I saw Soda getting the cheese ready for the mac and cheese.

I heard Steve say "sorry she used to date Dallas." I rolled my eyes and Soda said "Dally has a new girl?" He already knew. He just always knew.

I said "yeah." He said "don't be upset, just try and be happy for him, fake it till you make it." I said "okay."

I took a sip of water and I heard Dallas say "forget her, I forgot about her." I held back tears and I went to the bathroom.

I pretended to pee and I left. I walked out of the bathroom nervously and I walked out to the living room and I saw Dally making out with that girl, that bitch.

I stormed out of the house and I ran to Sylvia's house.

I knocked on her door and she opened it right away. She said "hey girl what's up." I said "I need drugs now."

She smiled and said "okay time for round 2."

3 hour later

I felt sick, really sick. I could barely see in front of me and my stomach was killing me. I started my way home and I felt like I was going to throw up.

I did. All over my clothes and I felt dizzy. All I got was flash backs. My dad, Dallas, my family.

Then I passed out in the middle of the street. Cold. Out on the hard cement.

Sodapop's POV:

I knew exactly how Molly felt. I know how it feels to be in love with someone and they don't love you back.

I got in my truck and I started driving around looking for her with Pony.

Pony and I really had no idea where to look. He said "you should go to Sylvia's house, she's probably there."

On the way there we saw something on the ground. I had no idea what it was. I figured road kill, but the closer we got I realized it was a girl.

It was Molly. I stopped short and I said "stay in the car I'm gonna take her in."

I hoped out of the car and I saw her sprawled out on the ground.

I felt like I was going to start crying. I did. I knelt down and I saw her extremely pale face and there was some throw up on her leg.

I took my flannel off and wiped it off and it was gone. I threw my flannel in the trunk and I put her in  the back seat.

Pony said "what happened to her?" I said "she definitely overdosed, there was throw up on the side walk."

It was quiet in the car and in the house when we came back. Dallas and his girl were gone. Of course.

I laid her out on the couch and Steve said "if she doesn't wake up by morning you'll have to take her to the hospital."

I said "I can't she's gonna get in trouble." He said "look at her face, she almost looks dead, you can see the veins in her face."

I sighed and I said "okay."

The next morning she still hadn't woken up. She was still laid out on the couch looking more lifeless than before.

Steve and I decided to take her to the hospital. I went to our room and picked out an outfit for her. It was weird going through the underwear drawer of a girl you like but I had to be serious.

We got into the truck and drove off. Steve and I were quiet in the car because for the first time in a long time we were genuinely scared.

We got to the hospital and they took her into a room immediately because of how she looked.

They rushed her in and Steve and I were not allowed in. I just really hope she's okay. Steve saw I was nervous and he said "you have a crush on her don't you."

I smiled and I said "yeah I think I do."

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