chapter 24

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Molly's POV:

It's been a week since Soda and I kissed. It's been really sweet having someone genuinely like me a lot and care about me.

Today we were at work and I was standing at the cash register and Soda and Steve came out of the garage laughing.

They walked up to me and Soda kissed my cheek. I smiled and I said "hi baby." Steve said "so what have the two of you been doing lately."

I looked at Soda and I said "kissing a lot." He smiled and looked at me with loving eyes that made me feel like I was the most beautiful person in the whole world.

Steve said "I don't want you guys making out at work." I said "you can't tell me what to do." I pulled Soda behind the counter with me and I said "he's mine."

I wrapped my hands around him and he put his hands around me and Steve said "well he was mine first." I said "no he's mine!"

Soda said "we can all share."

I smiled and I said "yeah I guess so." Soda pulled me off of him and put me on the counter. I said "fuck why are you so cute." He smiled and said "I don't know."

Steve said "it's lunch time can you two go flirt somewhere else?" I said "actually, yes we can." Soda said "where do you wanna go?" I said "I dunno surprise me."

He said "okay." He held my hand as I hopped off the counter.

We said bye to Steve and drove off. The drive was nice and it was just filled with cheesy romantic comments towards each other.

We pulled up to a diner and I was fine with that. I wanted fries anyway.

We walked in and sat in a booth. I said "I like this place it's cute." He said "my mom used to take me here a lot, I haven't been here since she died."

I said "I'm sorry." He smiled meekly and said "it's okay." I smiled and I said "I love how opptomistic you are." He smiled and said "I love how beautiful you are."

I said "I'm gonna cry, why are you so sweet." I kissed his hand and he smiled. That smile. The hottest smile I've ever seen.

He held my hand and played with my fingers and he said "you're hands are so small." I said "they're not that small."

He said "they're small I like them they're cute." I said "so you think I have cute hands?" He smiled and said "yeah."

I said "are you crazy?" He said "maybe a little." I giggled and he said "I love you're laugh."

I said "thank you."

The waiter came over with my fries and I ate them in 10 minutes. When I was hungry or hangry I was a fast eater.

Soda laughed at how fast I ate and he was confused how I kept a good shape since I didn't eat the healthiest.

Soda said "so you're going to Arizona on Monday are you excited?" I said "eh not really, I don't want to see my mom pregnant again, she was so stressed before."

He said "don't stress her out." I said "why do you think I stressed her out?" He said "because everyone back at your house said you were a handful."

I said "because I was always with my boyfriend, I'm not a handful I'm just never home."

He said "where is your ex now." I said "California, far way from us thank god." Soda laughed and he said "it wouldn't bother me if he was closer."

I raised an eye brow and I said "you're a terrible liar." He said "what, no I'm not." I said "mhm."

He laughed and he said "am not!" I said "yea you are!" The whole diner was looking at us smiling.

Soda and I looked at each other and blushed. He said "want some cheeks with your blush." I said "shut up."


We went back to Soda's house where Pony and I gossiped now the kitchen. We became super close and we had many secrets.

Many secrets about each other only we knew. He was the only one I explained my schizophrenia to and he was really understanding and helpful.

He told me all about Cherry and times when he missed his mom and really needed her. He told me like he felt like I filled that void he was missing.

That was a proud moment for me and I was glad I was able to help him so much.

He said "so how are things between you and Soda." I said "we are doing really good lately, I really like him a lot."

Pony said "that's nice, he really likes you too." I said "really, what does he say about me?"

He said "well he talks about how pretty you are and how he thinks you're hot, and his dreams about you which I wish I never heard about."

He cringed and took a sip of some beer I was letting him sneak. I said "what kind of dreams." He said "well, I don't think I want to repeat them."

I said "Pony pleaseeeeee." He said "umm." He scratched the back of his neck and I rolled my eyes and I said "what about the no secrets rule."

He said "this isn't even a secret it feels like a crime going against my brother." I said "it's just a dream Pony, it's not like a murder."

Steve walked in the kitchen and he said " what are you two going back and fourth about." I said "Soda's dreams about me."

Steve looked at Pony wide eyed. He said "you told her about those dreams?" I said "how do you even know about them!!"

I took another sip of my second beer. I said "Steve tell me please!" He said "no, I don't want Soda to be mad at me."

Soda walked in and said "why would I be mad at you?" I said "they won't tell me about the dreams you're having about me!!!"

He smiled and said "you guys leave us alone for a minute." He didn't avert his eyes from me and they left the room.

He walked over to me and put his arms around my waist and pulled me off the counter. He said "let's go to my room." I smiled and I said "okay."

He held my hand and brought me to his room. He closed the door and I sat on the foot of the bed and he sat next to me. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and he smiled.

He said "so you want to know what I'm dreaming about when I dream of you?" I quietly said "yeah tell me."

Our eyes met and he smiled which gave me butterflies.

He whispered in my ear which gave me the chills. He told me about his dreams and they made me blush.

I was left flustered and I could see why Pony didn't want to repeat them.

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