chapter 20

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Today the gang decided to go swimming by the lake so I'm excited. After my shower I walked into the bedroom with my towel on and Soda smiled as he was doing his hair. He said "nice outfit."

I said "shut up, let me change." He said "I won't look." I said "Sodapop Curtis leave the room now."

He sighed and got off the bed and closed the door. I searched through my shit and I found a pink bikini set and it was stringy and revealing. I thought it was cute. I have been hiding it from my mom for a long time so I hope it will impress Soda.

I changed and I said "I'm finished." I had on jean shorts and a white tank top on over my bikini and he smiled and said "I'm really proud of you it's been a whole week without drugs." I smiled and I said "thanks Soda I'm trying."

He said "you're doing great, you look so much better in the face, well rested." I said "yeah the drugs didn't make me look so alive you know."

He smiled and he said "you still look pretty to me though." I smiled and I said "awww Soda, thank you." He said "yeah of course. you ready to go?" I looked at the clock and it said 1:30. I said "yup."

I got in the car with Pony and Steve. Steve sat in the front next to Soda and Pony and I sat in the back and had our talks.

We had to use code names of course because even when we whispered Soda and Steve were still nosey.

Soda's code name was John and Dally was Brian. I don't know how we even came up with those names but we did.

Pony said "have you talked to Brian in a while." I said "yeah but really just as friends." He said "how are things between you and John?"

I said "good, just friendly towards each other, we never flirt often only on a rare occasion."

He said "oh okay, I wish he would just ask you out already." Soda said "who is asking Molly out?" Pony and I laughed and he said "what's so funny."

I said "nothing." Pony and I looked at each other and laughed. Soda said "you two are secretly in love or something."

Pony and I laughed and I said "no, we're practically related."


We got to the lake and set up our stuff. Johnny, Two, Pony and Steve were already in the water. It was just me, Dallas, and Soda.

I took off my shirt and my shorts and I looked at Soda and Dally who were both kind of just staring and when they noticed me looking they started taking their clothes off.

I stood on the edge of a small wooden pier and I stood there contemplating on when to jump in the water.

Then I heard a voice say "hey." I turned around and I saw Soda. I smiled and I said "hey." He said "are you scared?" I said "a little, I haven't really swam in a long time."

He said "I can help you." I said "okay how." He said "I'll jump in first and once you jump in you can swim by me if you need any help."

I said "okay." He jumped in the water and I saw him resurface. This was an old pier. It was tall and shaky. I was nervous that it would break but I decided to go for it.

I jumped into the water and the moment I was free falling in the air I was shitting myself. Once I finally landed in the water my nerves calmed and I resurfaced.

I saw Soda and he was smiling at me and he said "you did it!" He gave me a high five and I smiled. I was treading water but I was getting tired.

I swam to him and I put my legs around him and I put my arms around his shoulders. He said "are you okay?" I said "yeah, just a little afraid of the water."

He said "do you want to go back to where we set up?" I said "yeah, please."

He got us out of the water and he held me and he set me down on a towel. I didn't even notice I was shaking.

He got a bottle of water and helped me drink some. He said "Molly are you okay?" I said "no, I hate the water."

He said "why Molly, what's wrong?" He sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

I caught my breath and I said "when I was little, maybe about 3 or 4 I still hadn't learned how to swim yet and my parents weren't watching me close enough at a pool party and I fell in and I almost drowned."

My heart raced and I couldn't look him in the eye. He said "I'm sorry Molly, really." I said "it's okay, you helped me out with one of my biggest fears so thanks."

I looked at him and he looked so fucking hot and I accidentally smiled. He looked at me and he said "yeah of course."

Then Pony came over and he said "hey you guys." I said "hey Pony." Soda said "I'll be back I'm going to tell Steve to come over so we can eat our lunch."

I said "okay."

When he walked away I said "Pony can you please ask him if he has a crush on me?" He said "while we are eating I'll ask him so you can confirm it and stop asking me." I laughed and I said "okay thanks."

Eventually all the guys came back over and I saw Pony sit by Steve and Soda. I sat down by the lake and looked out and I panicked to myself the whole time.

What if Soda doesn't have a crush on me. I'm so scared to find out. I don't even know why I asked Pony to ask him.

I'm regretting it so much. I should've just tried to stick with Dally from the start.

I took out a cigarette and lit one. I took a long drag and I waited what felt like forever to hear back from Pony.

About 15 minutes later Pony came back. He looked upset. I felt a little lump in my throat and I said "so I guess it didn't go well."

I looked up at Pony and his face changed from a frown to a smile.

I smiled and I said "wait-" Pony said "I tricked you." I said "so what did he say."

He said "well Soda said he has a crush on you." I stood up and I hugged Pony and I said "this is the best day ever."

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