chapter 29

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Sylvia dropped me back to my house shortly after we finished getting dressed back into our regular clothes.

I walked in with the bags and I saw Dally, Steve, and Soda on the couch watching TV. I looked at the clock which said 5, so explains why they're home.

Soda turned his head and looked at us. He smiled and said "hi baby, had fun today?" I smiled and said "yeah."

I saw Sylvia and Dallas look at each other and Sylvia said "I better get going." I said "okay I'll walk you out." I dropped my bags by the couch and walked out with her.

We went to the porch and I closed the door. She hesitantly said "why do you and Dallas still get along?" I said "I don't know, I think because we still have feelings for each other."

She looked down and said "oh, I see." I said "Sylvia, what's wrong." She said "it's nothing, I just thought that maybe he would like me again but I don't think so."

I said "I'm sorry but if I'm being honest with you he doesn't since you cheated on him." She sighed and said "yeah I know, I shouldn't have." I hugged her and she hugged back.

I said "don't get soft on me you're supposed to be the strong one." She smiled and said "Yeah I know right . See ya!"

I waved bye as she drove off.

I walked in and I saw Steve and Dallas quickly shove something behind their back.

Soda looked flustered or nervous I couldn't really tell. I said "what the hell are you two doing." Steve smiled and said "nothing."

I said "stand up." He shoved something under the pillow and stood up.

I ran behind him and I grabbed one of the underwear's I bought and I snatched the other out of Dally's hand.

I said "you two are so annoying." I threw the underwear back in the bag and I looked at Soda who was smiling at me.

He said "are you gonna wear that." I blushed a little and looked at the wall and back at him. I said "maybe."

Dally and Steve both made sex noises and I rolled my eyes and took my bags to the bedroom and laid on the bed embarrassed but happy.


Today is the day of the costume party and I'm nervous. What if Soda doesn't think I look good. What if he thinks I'm a whore. I don't know, maybe I'm over thinking it.

Soda took off today and he was out with Steve watching a drag race. While they were gone, I told Soda before I was going as a swat/police officer so he said he was going to get a prisoner outfit while he was out.

I was nervous. The party was in an hour and I was overthinking everything. I started drinking so I could calm my nerves and it worked. After two beers I was fine, not even near drunk just more relaxed.

I got undressed and I changed into my thong and I took off my bra. I slid on the costume and my combat boots and looked in the mirror.

I unzipped the zipper a little letting my boobs pop out a little. I got myself ready but as I was about to walk out the bathroom, I heard people walk in. Then the nerves came back. My ass was out, my boobs were going to be everyone's focus and I was scared.

I think it was only Steve and Soda but I was embarrassed. Soda said "Molly?" My heart started racing. I ran the water and I said "I'm in here brushing my teeth." I put some tooth paste on my tooth brush and he said "can I come in."

I said "uh..I don't know." He said "you're brushing your teeth right?" I said "yeah."He said "so why can't I come in." I said "is anyone around?" He said "no, it's just me standing by the door."

I said "okay come in."

The door slowly opened and Soda's eyes landed on me and he said "oh my god Molly." I smiled and I said "hey." He looked me up and down and his eyes scanned my every curve. He said "you look so fucking hot right now."

Soda rarely cursed so I knew his emotions were strong. I said "thanks, you too." He was in a white wife beater tank with orange jail pants. His muscles looked good and his arms looked veiny.

He said "why didn't you want me to come in." I said "because, I was scared of your reaction, I thought you were gonna not like how I looked." He looked at me seriously and he said "don't worry you're beautiful."

I felt a tear roll down and I said "sorry I'm emotional." We laughed and he hugged me. He pulled away and said "turn around for me." I blushed and I said "no, I'm scared." He said "Molly, what did we just discuss."

I turned around fast and he was smiling a lot. He said "that's a lot of ass." I giggled and I said "stop Soda." He said "I'll try my best not to stare." I said "you're not trying hard enough." He said "I'm not trying hard, I will not stare when I want."

I said "come on baby let's get out of here."

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