chapter 37

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We got back from McDonald's around 9 and when we walked in I saw Sylvia and Dally talking on the couch.

They both looked up at us and I said "hey guys, where is everyone else?"

Dally said "Dingo, but we already ate." I said "oh okay."

Soda sat next to Dally on the couch and Sylvia got up and she followed me into the kitchen. I don't know what Soda and I were thinking that it would be a good idea that we should go on a double date.

When we walked in the house it was extremely awkward and I didn't like to see my ex and my best friend flirt.

I opened up the fridge and Sylvia said "hey." I smiled and I said "hey girl what's up." She said "nothing, how are you feeling since Sandy whacked you."

I laughed and I said "good, much better now." She said "listen, what you saw out there, was not Dallas and I flirting, we were just talking, I think I like someone else."

I said "who?" She said "well, please don't get mad." I said "just spill."

She said "well, I'm from Texas, and I went there about two weekends ago remember?"

I said "oh yeah I remember, what happened." She said "well, I saw these hot guys who were in the army, remember I told you I slept with that hot guy?"

I said "oh yeah okay, what's the guys name you like?" She said "Molly, it's your brother John."

My coke glass fell to the floor and I said "you slept with my brother and didn't tell me!" I felt my anger levels shooting up.

She said "yes, Molly I'm sorry I would have told you sooner, but I felt like I had to tell you recently because I'm pregnant, and I believe your brother is the dad."

I felt sick, so sick I felt myself tumble to the ground and pass out.


I woke up to Soda and Sylvia hovering over me and Dallas feeling my forehead with the back of his hand. I sat up quickly and I said "I need water."

Soda gave me a bottle of water and I drank a lot of it fast. I sat up against the bed and Sylvia said "I'll talk to her alone." Soda and Dallas walked out of the room and Soda shut the door.

Sylvia held my hand and she looked like she was going to start crying. She did eventually. She said "I'm really sorry Molly, I thought we were protected." I said "Sylvia, don't cry, it is going to be okay."

She said "it's really not though, my mom is going to kill me, and I'll have no where to go, my dad won't care, the main issue is my mom."

I said "wow, I'm really sorry, I would say stay here, but it's a full house, I'm sure you could live in Buck's place." She said "I don't know, I'll have to think about it."

I didn't know what to say because if I'm being honest with you for some reason I didn't care and the irritation of this whole situation was making my schizophrenia start to act up.

Just the presence of her being in the room was pissing me off. I don't even know why. I said "Soda!! I need you."

Soda walked in the room in like 30 seconds and he said "what's the matter baby?" I said "I need you to give me the shot for my schizophrenia now."

He said "okay baby."

He sat down next to me and filled the needle. He rubbed my arm with an alcohol pad and injected the needle inside the crevice of my arm. The medication was fully inside me and he said "are you okay baby?"

I looked at him as I started to feel the medication fill my body and I said "yeah, I'll be okay."

He got up and left the room and closed the door. Sylvia said "it's only been a little awkward between Dally and I because he saw me at the corner store buying the pregnancy test, and he knew already."

I said "wow, Sylvia, I can't believe you're going to be a mom, and I'm going to be an aunt." She smiled and said "we'll be damn good at it." I high fived her and said "yes of course we will, we're just that cool."

We laughed and I said "does my brother know?" She said "yeah, I called him and told him everything last night, and I told him how I know you and stuff like that and he's coming to visit us next tomorrow night."

I said "okay, cool I'll probably call him later." She said "okay, I have to get home, it's about 10:30, I'll catch you around." I said "okay, bye Sylvia."

She smiled and waved bye as she left my room.

I went to the phone and started to dial my mom, but I highly doubt she knew about this so I decided not to call her. Soda walked in and he said "hey baby, it's just us now, how are you feeling?"

I said "awful, my stomach is hurting from nerves." He sat in bed next to me and put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

He said "everything will be okay, trust me baby, everything will work out, and I know you'll be happy."I felt the tears flow more and more and I said "now my brother has to hold back from the army and become a father, I know it's going to be hard for him, the army was his dream."

Soda didn't know what to say because I figured he was uncomfortable to give his opinion. I said "I don't know, I guess he will have to deal with the consequences of not using protection, I'm a little annoyed, but I will just have to deal with it."

Soda said "everything will be okay honey, please don't hurt your sweet little heart over this." I said "okay, I promise." He lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes and he had a serious expression as he kissed me.

I kissed back softly but he wanted more and it was the first time we kissed with tongue. When he slid it in I slowly slid mine in too. It was messy and the kiss felt like our first, wet, but we soon got the hang of it.

We both weren't a fan of it so we stopped. He pulled away and laughed. I giggled and blushed. He said "just wanted to try something new, how did it feel?" I said "honest truth?" He said "yeah."

I laughed and I said "like a slug in my mouth, but a nice slug." He laughed and he said "that's creative." I laughed and I said "but I promise it felt good."

He smiled and said "okay we should practice some more later." I said "yeah, but I want to do something now, I'm horny."

He smiled and said "oh yeah? Like what?" I said "I dunno, you pick." He smiled and said "okay."

He went down to my sweatpants and pulled them off. He slid off my tank top and he started kissing my body.

His kisses were so sweet and romantic. I love him so much.

He was about to unhook my bra but the bedroom door opened and I saw Ponyboy.

He smiled and said "woah what the fuck is going on in here." Soda and I got back under the covers and I said "nothing different from you and Cherry."

He laughed and Soda said "knock next time, she could have been naked." I said "it's okay, we'll get a doorbell for next time."

We all laughed and Ponyboy left the room. Soda said "of course we got horny right as the gang came back."

I said "it's okay, you're kisses were enough to make me happy." He smiled and said "I love you a lot Molly Curtis."

I smiled and said "oh so I'm married to you now?" Soda said "I wish, hopefully soon we can be married."

I said "aw baby, I want to marry you too." He held my hand and played with my fingers.

H looked away from our hands and  he said "promise?" I said "yes babe I promise, plus Molly Curtis has a nice ring to it."

He laughed and said "yeah it does sound cute." I said "I love you Soda good night." He kissed my forehead and said "good night baby."

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