chapter 43

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1 Month Later

I only told Dally and Brandy of course that I was pregnant and they promised not to tell anyone. Today Soda and I just wanted to relax instead of hanging out with the gang so we stayed back and laid in bed reading magazines.

I decided to take a nap while Soda went out to the store to buy me some ice cream because that's what I really wanted for a long time.

I woke up to the worst stomachache I've ever had in the whole life. I tried to ignore it but my stomach wasn't going to let that happen.

I sat up and when I did I saw blood all over the bed. What the hell.

I sat up all the way and I looked down at my crotch and I was covered in blood. My stomach felt like I went up to my throat and I felt like I was going to start crying and I did.

I was sobbing and just really upset. Why do bad things keep happening to me. I just wanted to end it all. I feel like every move I make is wrong.

I was shaking and crying just sitting in my blood when Soda walked through the door and he looked at what happened and he started crying and he took me into his arms.

He said "everything will be okay, it will get better." I cried into his shoulder for a good 15 minutes and I decided I couldn't sit here and cry forever. I said "I'm gonna go shower."

He said "okay, let me know if you need me." I said "okay." He started taking up the sheets and I walked into the bathroom and opened a pad with anger and sadness.

What happened to my baby. I thought I was ready to have kids. That's what the doctor said. I was so confused.

I took my shower and I got dressed and Soda said "honey, I think you need to go see a doctor." I said "yeah let's just go to the emergency room, I want to get things over with."

We got to the hospital in no time and were able to get a doctor right away because of my situation. It was hard to focus because this doctor was the hottest doctor I'd ever seen but I was too sad to even try and flirt or look cute.

He said "do you take birth control?" I said "yes." He said "I think that's the culprit honey. You took it while you were pregnant and you didn't know you were pregnant."

Of course I killed my own fucking baby because I'm so stupid. I said "okay, we'll thanks for your time." The doctor said "we're not letting you leave with out depression medication, you're showing a lot of suicidal symptoms."

I said "I can't take those, didn't you read my medical sheet were it says I have schizophrenia?" I didn't mean to snap at him but I was a little cranky.

The doctor staid calm and he said "honey, I'm sorry there is nothing I can do about this, and I understand that you are upset but you can't fight the help we are trying to give you."

I said "okay, let's go, I'm ready to go home."

Soda and I left the room and we walked to the car and I started crying in my hands. Soda pulled me into his lap and he hugged me and held me in his arms. 

He said "it's okay baby, we will get through it together." I wiped my tears away on my sweatshirt and I quietly said "yeah I guess so."

He kissed my forehead and he kissed my lips. He left his lips on mine and we started kissing. He had one hand on my butt and one on my waist.

I held his face in my hands and we deepened the kiss. I could feel him getting hard and I smiled into the kiss.

He pulled away and said "let's go home, I don't want to make out with my fiancé in a hospital parking lot."
I said "or is it because you got a boner?"

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