chapter 21

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Yesterday after the lake I went to Sylvia's house with Evie and we all got super drunk so we decided to have a sleepover.

I told them all about my crush on Soda and how he likes me back but he doesn't know I like him and he doesn't know I know he likes me.

They all thought that our story is cute and I hope we can date.

I had to wake up early because of work so I wore Sylvia's clothes. I wore her white crop top and her jean shorts.

They were so short but it was the shorts or none at all and she was not happy I woke her up early at all.

I took one of her bikes to work and I got there just in time.

I ran inside and I saw Steve and Soda talking at the register. I yawned and I punched my name in and I was there at 8 on the dot.

Steve said "wow I didn't know you exist." I laughed and I said "I exist, just hungover."

I walked over to the fridge and took out a beer and dry cereal.

Steve said "so beer for breakfast with cereal?" I stood behind the register with Soda and I said "yup."

I stuffed my face with lucky charms and I saw Soda staring at me. I smiled and I said "you okay?"

He smiled and said "yeah I'm all good, just worried you still seem drunk." I said "I wouldn't be surprised if I still was."

Steve and Soda laughed and I said "can you pass me a DX shirt Steve." He went to the break room and got one and I put it on.

I took a swing of beer and I said "ew this beer is so cheap." Soda said "well you probably shouldn't be drinking this early anyway."

I said "yeah but I want to." He smiled and he said "Molly, stop, no more I swear."

I said "pleaseeee." He took the beer and he said "no, enough." I rolled my eyes and I tried to grab it from him but he was too tall.

He looked down at me and chuckled and I felt myself smiling. He's so cute.


6:30 pm

After I got my stuff from Sylvia's house I came back to the Curtis house and I saw it was just Steve, Soda, and Pony.

I said "hey where is everyone else?" Pony said "the diner." I said "oh okay." I walked into the kitchen and Steve was following me.

Once we got to the kitchen I said "I'll make you chocolate cake, you don't have to beg please." He said "a chocolate cake would be great, but I have something else to ask you."

I said "is it something sexual?" He laughed and he said "no, not this time, it's about Soda."

As I was reaching for the chocolate cake mix box it dropped out of my reaction to hearing his name. I mouthed "shit."

Steve picked it up for me and he chuckled and said "you okay?" I said "oh uh yeah sorry, what were you saying about Soda?"

He said "what do you think of Soda?" I said "uh, he's a boy, uh, he is tall and nice, and sweet, funny."

He smiled and said "okay, what do you like the most about him?" I said "he has a cute smile." He said "cute?" I said "well, nice smile, he has a nice smile."

As I was mixing the ingredients for the cake Steve took my hand and stopped me from mixing.

I looked at him like he was crazy and I said "what the hell are you doing?" He said "Molly, I think there is something you're not telling me."

I put my hands on my hip and raised an eyebrow and I said "like what?" He said "do you have a crush on Soda."

I smiled. I was caught off guard and that was the first time someone asked me those questions word for word.

I smiled and I said "no." He wrestled me to the ground and he held me in a head lock. He said "tell me the truth." I said "no." He tickled me and I laughed. I said "okay, fine fine yes."

He said "yes what?" In a quiet voice I said "I have a crush on Soda, okay?" He smiled and he said "I knew it."

I got up and I said "shut up." I went back to putting the cake in the oven and I said "you better not tell Evie you tickled me she'll kill me."

He said "she told me you were ticklish it was all a part of the plan to get you to admit your feelings." I raised my voice and I said "she told you I was ticklish!"

I told Evie that a couple weeks ago, when we were talking about our pet peeves, but I thought she would be too drunk to remember.

Soda walked in and he said "who's ticklish?" Steve said "Molly." I said "stop telling everyone." Steve said "Soda is one person, not everyone." I rolled my eyes and I said "get out of the kitchen so I can do the icing on your stupid cake."

Soda said "did you just call chocolate cake stupid?" I said "uh yeah, vanilla cake with sprinkles, or vanilla with oreos, mmmm so good."

Steve said "they key to your heart is oreo cake, seriously?" I said "well for you its chocolate and for me its oreo, don't judge."

Then Pony came into the kitchen and he said "is the cake almost finished, I'm hungry." Steve said "me too, hurry up and finish icing." Soda said "and you said you would buy the pizza for us tonight."

I said "I'm going to shoot all of you if you guys don't get out of this kitchen, and if you're gonna stay then help."

Steve and Pony walked out leaving just Soda and I in the kitchen. I said "why are you still here." He made a fake sad face and said "ouch."

I chuckled and I said "sorry I didn't mean it like that." He walked over to me and put his hands on my waist and moved me over so he could grab the phone.

I felt myself blushing so I looked back at the cake. He said "I'll call for the pizza but you're buying." I laughed and I said "okay fine, help me wash the dishes."

I finished with Steve's cake and I never ate when dirty dishes were in the sink so Soda and I started washing dishes.

Soda finished and I was on my last plate and he was leaning against the sink staring at me. Just staring into my soul.

I said "uh hello." He said "you know what I think Dally is stupid." I said "why." He said "because he never asked you out."

I smiled and I pushed a piece of hair out of my face and I said "it's okay, we just weren't meant to be."

He said "so who do you think you're meant to be with."

I looked him up and down and I said "I think you know already."

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