chapter 12

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Today is Kaleigh's birthday and I am so excited. I bought her some new car toys, a new doll house, and some card games.

Soda bought her one of those kid jeeps. I told him not to buy it but he still bought it anyway. 

He is just genuinely a nice person and I am so glad I met him.

We were sitting around and we had just finished breakfast when someone came through the door. It was my older brother John.

I ran up to him and hugged him tight and he spun me around. He said "look at my beautiful sister." I laughed and I said "I missed you."

He was so tall and muscular and he had those light blue eyes like me.

He hugged mom and dad and Kaleigh of course. He looked at Soda and said "whose this?" I said "Sodapop, he's offering me a place to stay."

My brother said "stay, what the hell are you talking about?" I said "Johnny watch what you say in front of Kaleigh."

My mom and Rob took Kaleigh outside. I said "what's wrong with you getting an attitude with me so fast."

Johnny said "I've been writing you so many letters and you never reply, schizophrenic doesn't mean memory loss."

I was hurt by his comment because he know how much the schizophrenia was meant to be a secret to me.

I got angry and I yelled "I ran away from dad, I left him like you left us, poof, gone." It went quiet for a second and Johnny looked at me with sorry eyes.

He said "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was that bad." I said "yeah it was, and I was all alone,  and dad didn't know I needed a lot of help, and I had to do it all on my own."

Johnny said "I'm sorry okay." He hugged me and I didn't hug back at first but I did because I didn't want to make a big deal.

We pulled away from the hug and he looked at Sodapop and back at me he said "what are you two dating or something?" I said "no Johnny."

He shook hands with Soda and he said "hey I'm Soda." My brother said "John, I hope Molly doesn't cause any trouble."

Soda nervously laughed and said "no, she is really nice." I smiled and I said "see, I am not high maintenance." He said "wait a whole year, your thoughts will change."

Around 3 Kaleigh had her birthday party at home so Soda, Johnny and I decided to go to town so I could meet Johnny's girlfriend.

We went to the mall and she worked in one of the stores. We walked in the store and I saw her. She was gorgeous. Trust me, coming from the town heartthrob, she was really pretty.

She was tall and slim like me but she had brown hair and blue eyes. She saw him and said "babe you're home !!"

She got from around the counter and hugged him and he hugged her tight. She pulled away and said "whose this?"

She pointed at me and I said "I'm Molly, Johnny's sister." She smiled and said "hi nice to meet you I'm Sandy."

I wondered what Sodapop was thinking since his ex girlfriend's name was Sandy.

I said "nice meeting you too, this is Sodapop." Soda smiled and said "hey." She said "aw well aren't you two are just the cutest things I've seen."

She was definitely from down south. Her accent was strong and she was really nice.

I said "thanks, but we aren't dating." She said "well y'all should you'd make a good couple." Soda and I smiled at each other and I was embarrassed because I was sure I was red.

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