chapter 36

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Next morning

We got up around 8 am on our Saturday morning to shower. It was my first time showering with him and I was nervous because now I was fully exposed to him.

After we brushed our teeth I slowly started taking off my clothes and he locked the door.

He took off his boxers and sweatpants and I couldn't help but stare. He was so perfect to me. I said "I wish I looked hot with pubes like you do."

He smiled and said "baby, take off your underwear so we can get in."

I knew my nipples were hard because I was cold and I was embarrassed to even pull down my underwear.

I slowly pulled them down and Soda let out a sarcastic gasp. He said "good heavens,is that a bush?"

I laughed and he smiled and said "it's not even bad baby, it will literally take me 30 seconds or a minute."

I said "okay, let's do it."

We got in the shower together and we washed first. It was the hottest thing to see him wash his package. God. I had to stop myself from masturbating right there in front of him.

I finished and he did too. He said "you ready?" I said "yeah."

He took the razor and put a little shaving cream on my skin.

He said "ready princess?" I smiled and I said "yup." He gently took the razor and started doing what he has to do.

It only took him about 2 minutes. Finally I was shaved. I said "thanks baby." He smiled and said "no problem."

We finished showering and Soda and I got dressed.

He said "I saw you all week contemplating on something and if I had known what this was, I would have helped you right away.

I leaned against the door and crossed my arms and I shrugged my shoulders as I sarcastically said "I guess you just weren't the first person to come to mind."

He laughed and said "yeah I was, you were just to chicken to ask."


Today is the OBGYN appointment and I couldn't be anymore nervous. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay since I got slammed in the stomach with a baseball bat by Sandy.

I wanted to make sure everything would still be okay in the baby department and with my uterus because if she fucked up my chances for having a kid, I'll kill her.

Soda and I headed out of the house and he held my hand the whole ride. He knew I was nervous and I was very afraid of what I might hear.

My mom had a hard time having Kaleigh. There were no miscarriages or anything, she was just always in a lot of pain.

Apparently being pregnant on my mom's side of the family has never been easy so I'm scared.

We got to the doctor and I changed into the hospital dress. I slid off my underwear and laid and waited for the doctor.

Soda sat next to me holding and observing my underwear and I laughed at him in my head. He's such a child.

The doctor walked in and introduced herself. She saw Soda playing around with my underwear and I saw her raise her eyebrow at him and she said "this your boyfriend?"

I smiled and said "yes." She said "oh, makes sense."The doctor and I laughed and Soda blushed and stopped playing around with my underwear.

She said "so I'll start with questions." I said "okay." She said "when did you get your first period?" I said "eighth grade, 13."

She said "is your period consistent?" I said "most of the time." She said "has it ever skipped?" I said "once."

She said "any irritation ?" I said "no." She said "are you sexually active."

I saw Soda smiling in the corner of my eye and I said "no."

She looked back at Soda and she said "is she lying?" He said "no mam."

The doctor said "okay, we'll start the physical exam, your boy toy has to leave the room." I said "why?"

She said "is he 18?" I said "no, I'm 16, he's 17."

She said "as long as he's under 18, he can stay." Soda stood next to me and he held my hand. I felt the doctor looking down there and poking and prodding and I was a little more nervous.

She finished and she said "you can put your underwear back on now, everything is all good." Soda handed me my underwear and I quickly slid it on and sat up.

Soda was still holding my hand and the doctor said "now I'm going to check your uterus, so I need to see your stomach."

I slid on my sweatpants as she pulled my pants down to the waist line and put some cold jelly on my stomach. She took the device and started looking around and at her screen to see if she saw anything unusual.

The jelly was starting to get on my nerves because it was cold and I couldn't wait for her to be done. She finished and wiped the gel of me and I pulled my pants back up. She said "everything looks perfect honey, whoever hit your stomach has a bad swing."

I smiled and said "thank you." She said "if you would be up to it, you're perfectly healthy to be a surrogate, would you consider that, you would get paid 30,000 dollars?" I said "oh wow, um I don't know..I have to think about it."

She said "it's okay honey, give us a call and let us know, you're free to go for the day."  I said "okay thanks." She left the room and Soda and I left the doctors office.

When we got in the car he said "wow, 30,000 dollars." I smiled and I said "I know, it sounds great but I don't know if I want to put my body through that." He said "I understand that baby, it's up to you."

I said "that's a lot of responsibility, and I don't want to stop drinking or smoking." He said "well, it would help you take a break from all that bad stuff." I said "Soda if I'm pregnant with someone's child, that means we probably couldn't have sex, and we would have to wait to lose our virginity for nine months."

He smirked and he said "oh, so you're thinking of having sex with me?" I blushed and I didn't really mean to let that thought slip out, but it was on my mind. I smiled and I said "yeah, of course I do."

He held my hand and he said "it's all up to you, maybe try getting a dog instead, or try fostering one." I said "yeah, that's a good idea." He said "we can practice being parents with the puppy."

I said "Soda baby, that's an amazing idea!!" He said "I know, I'm amazing." I cocked my eyebrows and I said "yeah okay." He tickled my side as we pulled up into his drive way.

I giggled and he said "come on let's make dinner I'm starving." I said "what do you want me to make you?"

We got out of the car and he said "what if we bought McDonald's?"  I said "okay, yeah let's get it now, I'm hungry."

He said "it's only six." I said "don't make me hangry." He laughed and he said "okay, let's go."

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