chapter 17

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Ever since I accidentally called Soda cute it has been a little awkward. We don't really talk as much but it's me pushing him away because I'm afraid he might bring it up and I'm scared he might not like me back.

I was working at the DX now part time because I took up a babysitting job. It was fun and I love babies.

I was at home taking care of a young baby who was just the cutest I've ever seen. She cried often but I was able to prevent that from happening because I knew her bathroom and feeding schedule.

It was about 3:30 and Soda came through the door. I said "where is Steve?" He said "out with Evie, why am I not enough." I laughed and I said "yes you're enough, just wanted to know."

He said "who is that?" I held up the baby from my lap and I said "Ellie." He said "let me see her."

She was sleeping so I gently placed her in his arms and Soda sat next to me on the couch. He said "she is adorable." He wasn't quiet enough and she woke up.

She started crying and I said "oh man come on." Soda laughed and said "sorry." I couldn't be mad at Soda he was just too cute.

I picked her up and I held her against my chest and bounced her on my leg. I said "don't cry baby, please."

She started crying more and I said "I think she's hungry." Then she was trying to crawl on me but she pulled my shirt down and my bra was out . I gasped embarrassed.

I saw Soda's eyes go wide and I fixed my shirt. I said "Ellie stop." I put her down in her crib and she was still crying. I know it was just my bra but I was still embarrassed because I wasn't expecting it.

I saw Soda smiling and I said "it wasn't funny." He said "eh, it was a little."I rolled my eyes and I said "warm up her milk it's in the fridge."

He said "what's the magic word?" I said "Soda now." He said "still didn't hear it." I said "please."

He went to the kitchen and I heard him warm up her milk and I held her in my hand as she was still crying.

He came in with the milk and I gave it to Ellie and she stopped crying. Soda said "finally."

I said "she's really thirsty." Ellie took the bottle out of my hands and she looked so cute.

I tucked some hair away from her face and she smiled. When she finished she took the bottle and threw it.

I said "hey what was that for." She giggled and I smiled. Soda picked it up and he said "I'll put it in the sink."

I said "okay thank you." 

Ellie looked in my eyes and smiled. I smiled back and I tickled her. She giggled and it was the cutest thing.

Soda came inside and he said "let me hold her." I let him hold her and she smiled when she looked at his face.

He said "she likes me." I rolled my eyes and I said "yeah like every other girl in the town." He said "ouch."

I chuckled and I sat on the floor with Soda and Ellie. He placed her on the floor and he helped me to help her crawl.

Her mom said to try and get her to crawl around and it was good exercise for her. We walked around the house and she would crawl in our tracks and giggle.

She was just the happiest baby I had ever seen. We really had a lot of fun together.

I realized Soda would be a good dad a lot recently. I don't know it feels like a sign. I feel like we would be good together.

It almost felt like Ellie was our kid. It was sweet and it was nice innocent bonding time.

Around 5 Dallas walked through the door. We were pretty much all good now. We flirted a lot, but it was nothing much.

He said "Molly you and Soda had a baby?"  I smiled and I said "shut up." He laughed and he said "whose baby is this."

I said "a Soc mom, I met her at the grocery store and she needed help with her baby and she thought I would be nice enough to help babysit."

He said "how much an hour?" I said "15." He said "good job, spend the money wisely." I said "look whose talking."

He said "well at least you have money to spend." I said "get a job." He said "yeah I could work at Buck's."

I said "consider it, it feels good to make your own money."

He said "yeah I will." He took Ellie off my lap and held her and it was very weird seeing him hold something so sweet and innocent.

She giggled and touched his face and he smiled. Soda said "am I seeing this right."

I laughed and Dally said "what some babies are actually sweet." I said "yeah she is a sweet baby."

He held her in the air and he said "she's so light, how old is she ?" I said "about 1." He said "I want one of these."

I said "well not now, it's a lot of responsibility." He said "so I'll just get some girl pregnant." I said "Dallas you have to ask her before you can ruin someone's life."

He said "maybe I'll babysit too." I said "good luck with that because you're the least patient person I know."

He said "I'll think of something I need money fast."

Around 7 the Soc mom came in and picked up her baby. I made 60 dollars.

She left and I said "yes!! more candy money." Soda said "stop spending your money on candy, buy real food, you'll have so many cavities."

I laughed and I said "yeah I'll take a break from them, I'll buy some clothes."

He said "oh boy another mall trip." I said "don't lie you know you like it too."

He said "sometimes."

Everyone was home by 8 and we had dinner. It was a fun night until I came back from a walk with Pony and Dallas just finished whispering something into Soda's ear and he was blushing and he looked flustered.

I said "Dally what are you doing to poor innocent Soda."

Soda looked at me and said "nothing I didn't ask to hear." I gagged and they laughed.

Horny ass kids.

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