chapter 3

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We all finished up dinner and I was introduced to Darry. He was really nice and understanding.

He said "Soda she can sleep with you and Pony and I will sleep in my room." Steve said "oh boy Soda is gonna get laid tonight." I heard a couple of the boys howl and playfully moan. Darry saw I was embarrassed and he said "guys enough." He walked over by the guys and started watching TV with them.

They all laughed and stopped. Soda was blushing a little and it was cute. He said "uh sorry about that." I said "it's okay, if you don't want to go to bed now you don't have to."

He said "it's okay, I'm tired and it's 11:30, and they are gonna stay up to drink and I don't like to drink."

I said "okay, let's go then."

We walked into his room and he said "it's not much but there should be enough room for the two of us." I said "nope this is perfect." He said "okay."

He took off his shirt and his jeans and I slowly took off my bra from under my cropped tank top. I slid off my shorts and turned around. He was in bed staring at me and I quickly got into bed and pulled the covers up to my waist.

It was hot. Very hot. I said "Soda, are you awake?" He said "yeah what's up." I said "I'm hot." He said "want me to open a window?" I said "yeah please." He got up and he opened a window. Not to be sexual or anything but he had a nice body. I don't like when boys are buff so he was in good shape.

He got back in bed and he said "good night Molly." I said "good night Soda."

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