chapter 33

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Silence. Complete silence.

Silence intruded by the sounds of beeping. I couldn't open my eyes, but I felt myself holding a flower. I heard someone say "she is now conscious."

My body felt tight, sore, like I had gotten into some kind of fight or scuffle. I slowly moved my fingers and I carefully opened my eyes.

I could make out about 3 shadowy figures and they fully came into view and all smiled. I saw Sodapop, my mom, and my biological dad. I said "daddy?"

He smiled and said "yes baby, it's me." I smiled and I held his hand and my mom walked up next to me and she said "hi honey, are you okay?" I sat the bed up so I could sit upright and I said "I think so."

Soda smiled and he said "hi baby." I looked at him and smiled. I said "hey baby." He kissed me and I heard the heart monitor beep a little faster and my mom and dad laughed. I blushed and looked Soda in the eyes.

He said "are you feeling okay." I said "yeah, just a little soar." He said "yeah you were fighting me 3 days ago, that's why you're here." This didn't look like the hospital. It was more modern and the chairs were nicer, and the place didn't feel as sad.

I rubbed my head and I said "mommy where am I." She looked at me concerned and she said "honey, you're at the psychiatric ward." I looked down at my hands that were a little scratched up and I remembered the burning memory that I had attacked Soda.

I looked up at him and he had a little bruise on his cheek. I said "Soda, I'm really sorry." He said "it's okay."I tried to swing my legs off the table but they were strapped down. I said "mom, why am I all strapped up?"

She said "you were giving the nurses and doctors a hard time, but you should be okay now."

My mom called in the nurse and she unstrapped my legs and she handed me a glass of water and I took a sip.

She said "you will be released now, who is around her the most?" Soda said "me."

The nurse looked at him and gave him some needles with substance to put in them. She said "these are the sedation medications she will need next time she has an episode." He looked more scared of the needle than I was.

I said "it's okay baby." He looked at me and smiled and the nurse said "we will get you your clothes and your parents will stay and sign some papers." I said "okay thank you."

I looked at the date and it was 5 days after. I was on my period the whole time I was at this hospital, that's more embarrassing than my episode.


They let me take a shower and return home. Soda and I returned home around 12 noon. I had sweatpants and a sweatshirt on. It smelled like the hospital sheets, which smelled nice, so I had assumed that they had washed it for me.

Soda said "you ready?" I said "yes." He opened the door and I meekly walked inside and everyone looked at me like I was a baby.

They all quietly said their hi's and I said "you guys can be loud, I feel better now."

They all tackled me to the ground and after all the welcome's, all I could get out was a small "help."

They all got up and Soda helped me up. Darry said "it's nice to have you back." I smiled and said "thanks, glad to see you again." Pony said "I missed you a lot, are you feeling okay?"

I said "yeah, after all the medication I'm on, I feel high." Dallas said "I can tell, you look happy, you look like you're super relaxed." I said "I am finally relaxed."

Soda walked out of the kitchen with Kaleigh and she ran over to me and I grabbed her and spun her around. I put her down and I said  "what are you doing here?" She said "vacation!!" I said "I'm sorry this has to be the worse vacation you ever went on."

She giggled and said "yeah." I looked at Soda and I said "where are my parents?" He said "they are staying in Oklahoma City, but they are at the diner eating lunch." I said "okay, can you drive Kaleigh and I there."

He said "sure." Steve said "wait, Kaleigh and I were talking about cars." I said "she'll probably be here all week, I'll bring her tomorrow." He said "okay, bye Kaleigh."

She smiled and said "bye."

The three of us walked out the door and into Soda's car. As he started driving, I said "Soda, I am really sorry about what happened, I didn't mean anything I said or did, I feel so bad, I really hope this doesn't change things between us."

He said "Nothing could change how much I love you Molly." I smiled and I said "wait, you love me?" He smiled and said "yeah, of course I do." I said "I love you too Sodapop." He stopped at the red light and I kissed his cheek.

Kaleigh said "ooooo I'm telling mommy you were kissing boys." Soda said "I'll tickle you again." She said "fine, I won't tell mommy." I laughed and I said "I love that you're good with kids." He said "thanks, so are you."

Kaleigh said "why don't you guys have a kid?" I said "Kaleigh, we are not even married." She said "can you two ask God for a baby pleaseeeeee." I said "there is a lot more than God required to have a baby, I'm only 16."

Kaliegh said "one day, will you guys have a baby?" I looked at Soda and he was smiling hard and he said "definitely." I laughed and I kissed his cheek.

We got to the diner and I saw my mom and actual dad sitting at a booth laughing, for the first time in forever, they were not fighting. It was the weirdest thing, but it was nice to see.

Soda and I walked up to the booth and I said "hi guys." Kaleigh trailed behind us and sat on the booth chair next to my dad. My mom said "hi honey."

My dad said "how do you feel." I said "I feel good, right now." My mom said "Molly, were you taking drugs?" I looked down at my hands and I quietly said "yeah." My mom sighed and shook her head.

She said "you have to be more careful Molly, you should have known that could trigger an episode." I said "I'm sorry." She said "you always say that, this time just please, don't do it again."

I nodded my head and was a little embarrassed getting in trouble in front of Soda but I brushed it off. My mom said "we are going to head back to the hotel, do the right thing okay?" I said "yes mom."

My mom got out of the booth and took Kaleigh and walked out of the diner. My dad looked at Soda and he said "thanks for helping my daughter." Soda smiled and said "of course, I love her a lot." My dad smiled at him and patted his back and I hugged my dad.

It was weird he was being so nice. I took in the moment because I knew he wouldn't always be like this. My dad said "do the right thing okay?" I said "you too daddy." He pulled away from the hug and he patted my back and said "bye honey." I said "bye daddy."

He walked out of the diner and I stood there feeling weird and uncomfortable. I hadn't had a schizophrenic break down in a year. It was weird being high from a medical drug.

Soda snapped me back into reality and he said "baby, you're staring at the floor." I looked up and I said "I'm sorry, let's just go home." He said "don't be sorry, everything will be okay."

He put his arm around me and we walked to his car and he drove off. The whole car ride there was a comfortable silence.

When we got home the gang sat around and made me laugh and we all ate together and had a good time and I realized that I was having a good time. Finally, I found good friends that genuinely cared for me.

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